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Pflugerville ISD House Bill 5 Graduation Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Pflugerville ISD House Bill 5 Graduation Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pflugerville ISD House Bill 5 Graduation Plan
Parent Information Meeting Welcome, introductions, etc.

2 What is the HB5 Graduation Plan?
Foundation Plan: 22 credits Foundation Plan + Endorsement(s): 26 credits Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Business and Industry Arts and Humanities Public Service Multidisciplinary Studies Foundation Plan + Endorsement(s) w/Distinguished Level of Achievement: 26 credits MUST HAVE EARNED: 4 credits in math which included Algebra II 4 credits in science Slide 2:   What is House Bill 5 Graduation Plan?  Under the new graduation plans, there are three levels.   The foundation plan requires students to earn 22 credits.   The Foundation Plan plus an endorsement requires students to earn 26 credits with an endorsement in one of the following areas:  Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics or STEM; Business and Industry; Arts and Humanities; Public Service; or Multidisciplinary Studies. The Foundation Plan plus an endorsement with Distinguished Level of Achievement requires students to earn 26 credits with an endorsement in one of the aforementioned areas.  As part of the 26 credits, students must take 4 credits of math including Algebra 2 and 4 years of science.

3 The Basics Beginning in , students entering 9th grade must select an endorsement plan. Students can change their endorsement at any time. Students may opt out of the endorsement plan after their sophomore year and continue on the foundation plan for graduation. A counselor will work with each student and parent/guardian to create a personal graduation plan, which maps out their sequence of high school courses. Each student and his/her parent or guardian must meet with a counselor to sign the student’s personal graduation plan. Slide 3:   Let’s visit the basics about the new graduation plans.   Beginning with 9th grade students in the school year, students must select an endorsement plan.   Students have the ability to change their endorsement at any time.   Students must wait until the end of their sophomore year to opt out of the foundation with endorsement plan and pursue the foundation plan with 22 credits.  Prior to opting out, a conference must be scheduled with the counselor.   A counselor will work with each student and parent to create a personal graduation plan or four year plan.  Each student and parent must meet with a counselor to finalize and sign the four year plan.

4 Foundation Plan Science: (3 Credits)
English Language Arts: (4 Credits)  English I  English II  English III  Additional English Course Mathematics: (3 Credits)  Algebra I  Geometry  Additional Mathematics Course Science: (3 Credits)  Biology  IPC or Additional Science Course  Additional Science Course Social Studies: (3 Credits) World Geography or World History U.S. History Government/ Economics Let’s discuss the requirements of the Foundation Plan where students earn 22 credits.  Remember that this graduation plan cannot be declared until after the student’s sophomore year.  The requirements of this plan include: 4 credits in English Language Arts that include English 1, 2, 3 and an advanced English course that can include English 4. 3 credits in Science that include Biology and two advanced science courses. 3 credits in math that include Algebra 1, Geometry and one advanced math course. 3 credits in Social Studies that include World Geography or World History, US History, Government, and Economics.

5 Foundation Plan (Continued)
Physical Education – 1 Credit Languages Other Than English – 2 Credits (Same Language) Fine Arts – 1 Credit (Same Course) Electives – 5 Credits Slide 5: In addition to the core curriculum requirements, students are required to earn: 1 PE credit 2 credits in a language other than English.  Both credits must be the same language. 1 Fine Arts credit of the same course 5 Elective credits

6 Endorsement Options Multidisciplinary Studies
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Business and Industry Public Service Arts and Humanities Slide 6:   Students will be selecting an endorsement prior to entering 9th grade.  Endorsement options include: Multidisciplinary Studies Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Business and Industry Public Service Arts and Humanities When choosing an endorsement, students should carefully consider their career interests.   Let’s review the criteria for each endorsement and the predetermined pathways that satisfy the criteria available in PfISD.

7 Multidisciplinary Endorsement Criteria
Advanced Course Focus: 4 advanced courses Foundation Subject Focus: Four courses in each of the four foundation subjects English (must include English IV) Math Science (must include Chemistry or Physics) Social studies AP or Dual Credit Focus: Any 4 AP or Dual Credit courses from English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Economics, LOTE or Fine Arts Slide 7:   For each endorsement area, the state provides us guidance for what will qualify a set of courses for an endorsement.  For the Multidisciplinary Endorsement area, the following will constitute an endorsement: 4 advanced elective courses OR 4 courses in each of the four core area subjects:  English which must include English 4, Math, Science which must include Chemistry or Physics, and Social Studies. OR Any 4 Advanced Placement or Dual Credit courses from English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Economics, Languages other than English, or Fine Arts.

8 PfISD Multidisciplinary Pathways
Professional Support Services AVID Foundation Program Subjects Four Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Slide 8:   Pflugerville ISD has established pathways for each endorsement area that meet the state criteria.  For the Multidisciplinary Endorsement, PfISD has established the following pathways that can be located in the Endorsement Guide: Professional Support Services that includes 4 courses in AVID The Foundation Program Subjects Four Advanced Placement Courses which includes AP and Dual Credit

9 IMPORTANT: Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics are required
STEM Criteria IMPORTANT: Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics are required Career and Technical Education (CTE) Focus: 4 or more credits in CTE At least 2 in same career cluster within the STEM Endorsement 1 advanced course (3rd or 4th course in a pathway) Computer Science: 4 or more credits in Computer Science from a predetermined list of eligible courses Math Focus: A total of 5 credits in math Must include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and 2 additional math courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite Science Focus: A total of 5 credits in science Must include Biology, Chemistry, Physics and 2 additional science courses Slide 11: The state criteria to receive a STEM endorsement is as follows.  It is extremely important to note that students wishing to earn a STEM endorsement must complete Algebra 2, Chemistry, and Physics. 4 or more credits in Career and Technical Education with at least 2 in the same career cluster within STEm and 1 advanced course which is the 3rd or 4th course in the pathway. OR 4 or more credits in Computer Science from a predetermined list of eligible courses OR 5 credits in math that include Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and 2 additional math courses for which Algebra 2 is a prerequisite, OR 5 credits in science that include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and 2 additional science courses.

10 PfISD STEM pathways Engineering Technology
Project Lead the Way Robotics Programming and Software Development Computer Science Math and Science Mathematics Science Slide 12: PfISD has predetermined the following pathways that will meet the state criteria.  Students interested in the STEM endorsement should choose from one of these pathways: Engineering Technology which includes Project Lead the Way or Robotics Programming and Software Development which is our Computer Science pathway Math and Science with a Mathematics Focus Math and Science with a Science Focus

11 Business and Industry Criteria
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Focus: 4 or more credits in CTE At least 2 in same career cluster within the Business and Industry Endorsement 1 advanced course (3rd or 4th course in a pathway) English Focus: 4 English elective credits to include three levels in one of the following areas Advanced Broadcast Journalism Advanced Journalism: Newspaper Advanced Journalism: Yearbook Public Speaking Debate Technology Applications Focus: 4 technology applications credits Slide 15:   The state criteria to receive a Business and Industry endorsement is as follows. 4 or more credits in Career and Technical Education with at least 2 in the same career cluster within Business and Industry  and 1 advanced course which is the 3rd or 4th course in the pathway. OR 4 English elective credits to include three levels in one of the following areas:  Advanced Broadcast Journalism, Advanced Journalism:  Newspaper, Advanced Journalism:  Yearbook, Public Speaking, and Debate OR 4 technology application credits

12 PfISD Business and Industry Pathways
Plant Systems Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Animal Systems Design/Preconstruction Construction Audio & Video Technology Printing Technology Graphic Design Yearbook Legal Services Public Speaking Debate Oral Interpretation PfISD has predetermined the following pathways that will meet the state criteria.  Students interested in the Business and Industry endorsement should choose from one of these pathways: Plant Systems Power, Structure, and Technical Systems Animal Systems Design/Preconstruction Construction Audio & Video Technology Printing Technology that includes graphic design or yearbook Legal Services that includes Public Speaking, Debate, or Oral Interpretation

13 PfISD Business and Industry Pathways
Journalism & Broadcasting Administrative Services General Management Finance Restaurant and Food/Beverage Services Lodging Web & Digital Communication Information Support Marketing Communications Marketing Management Sales & Services Slide 17: Journalism & Broadcasting Administrative Services General Management Finance Restaurant and Food/Beverage Services Lodging Web & Digital Communication Information Support Marketing Communications Marketing Management Sales & Services

14 Public Service Criteria
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Focus: 4 or more credits in CTE At least 2 in same career cluster within the Public Service Endorsement 1 advanced course (3rd or 4th course in a pathway) 4 courses in JROTC (must begin freshman year) Slide 20: The state criteria to receive a Public Service endorsement is as follows. 4 or more credits in Career and Technical Education with at least 2 in the same career cluster within Public Service and 1 advanced course which is the 3rd or 4th course in the pathway. OR 4 courses in JROTC that must begin in their freshman year

15 PfISD Public Service Pathways
Teaching & Training JROTC Support Services Health Science Early Childhood Development PfISD has predetermined the following pathways that will meet the state criteria.  Students interested in the Public Service endorsement should choose from one of these pathways: Teaching and Training JROTC Support Services in Health Science Early Childhood Development

16 Arts and Humanities Criteria
Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Focus: 4 levels of the same language in a LOTE OR 2 levels of the same language in a LOTE and 2 levels of a different language in a LOTE Fine Arts or Innovative Course Focus: 4 credits from 1 or 2 categories or disciplines in fine arts or innovative courses English Focus: 4 English elective credits Social Studies Focus: 5 social studies courses The state criteria to receive an Arts and Humanities endorsement is as follows. 4 levels of the same language other than English OR 2 level of the same language other than English and 2 levels of a different language other than English OR 4 English elective credits Or 5 Social Studies courses

17 PfISD Arts and Humanities Pathways
Visual Arts Drawing Painting Ceramics Sculpture AP Social Studies Languages other than English (LOTE) Performing Arts Band Choir Orchestra Dance Drill Team Theater Technical Theater Musical Theater Slide 25:   PfISD has predetermined the following pathways that will meet the state criteria.  It is important to note that though PfISD believes in College Readiness and advises students take 4 courses in Social Studies regardless of the selected endorsement, we require the 4 years for this endorsement. Students interested in the Arts and Humanities endorsement should choose from one of these pathways: Visual Arts selecting from drawing, painting, ceramics, or sculpture Performing Arts selecting from band, choir, orchestra, dance, drill team, theater, technical theater or musical theater AP Social Studies Languages other than English

18 Distinguished Level of Achievement
The Distinguished Level of Achievement is the standard plan for PfISD. A student successfully completes: Foundation plan credit/course requirements Credit/Course requirements for at least 1 endorsement 4 science credits 4 math credits  must include Algebra II To be eligible for automatic college admission, students must graduate with Distinguished Level of Achievement and fall within the top 10%. Slide 26: The Distinguished level of achievement is the standard plan for PfISD students.  This plan requires students complete the Foundation plan plus at least one endorsement including 4 science credits and 4 math credits that include Algebra 2.  To be eligible for automatic college admission, students must graduate with Distinguished Level of Achievement and fall within the top 10%.

19 Four year Planning Bridges Parent Appointment Dates
Cluster Finder Initial 4 year plan Campus Course Fairs Hendrickson: January 27 Pflugerville HS: January 28 Connally HS: January 29 Parent Appointment Dates Finalize 4 year plan with high school counselors Dessau MS: February 25 and 26* Cele MS: February 18 and 19* Kelly Lane MS: February 11, 12*, and 13 Park Crest MS: February 23 and 24* Pflugerville MS: February 18 and 19* Westview MS: February 18 and 19* * Indicates evening appointments available Slide 27:   Students will work with their counselor to work on a 4 year plan and choose an endorsement.  Counselors use Bridges software to administer the Cluster Finder which helps students narrow their interests.  In addition, students will enter initial 4 year plans into Bridges.  Families should attend a course fair at the high school the student will be attending in order to learn more about the various pathways.  High school counselors will be meeting individually with families to finalize four year plans during the month of February.

20 Preparing for your appointment
Slide 28: Now let’s talk more about the 4 year planning process and preparing for your appointment.

21 With your child… Review results of Cluster Finder from Bridges.
Review the PfISD High School Course Guide on the PfISD Counseling Webpage. Review the Endorsement Guide based on the high school your child will attend. Use the 4-Year Planning Tool to begin creating a four year plan. Students will enter an initial 4 year plan into Bridges prior to individual appointments. Slide 29: With your child you should Review results of the Cluster Finder from Bridges Review the PfISD High School Course Guide found on the PfISD Counseling webpage. Review the Endorsement Guide based on the high school your child will attend. Use the four year planning tool to begin creating a four year plan.  Students will enter an initial 4 year plan into Bridges prior to individual appointments.

22 Using the 4-Year planning tool
Slide 30: Let’s review how to use the 4-year planning tool

23 Slide 31: (3 clicks) Let’s say your child is interested in the Programming and Software Development Pathway which would earn him a STEM endorsement.

24 Pflugerville Independent School District
Distinguished Level of Achievement Graduation Plan – 26 credits Student must fulfill the Graduation requirements of at least 1 of the 5 Endorsements below and successfully complete Algebra II. Foundation + Endorsement Graduation Plan – 26 credits STEM Business & Industry Public Service Arts & Humanities Multidisciplinary Studies 4 English – ELA I, II, III & one advanced English 4 English – ELA I, II, III & one advanced English 4 English – ELA I, II, III & one advanced English 4 English – ELA I, II, III & one advanced English 4 English – ELA I, II, III & one advanced English 4 Math - Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II & one advanced math 4 Math - Algebra I, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math - Algebra I, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math - Algebra I, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Math - Algebra I, Geometry & two advanced math 4 Science - Biology, Chemistry, Physics & one advanced science 4 Science - Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science - Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science - Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Science - Biology, IPC or Chemistry or Physics & two advanced science 4 Social Studies - World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov”t (.5) & Eco (.5) 4 Social Studies - World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov’t (.5) & Eco (.5) 4 Social Studies - World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov’t (.5) & Eco (.5) 4 Social Studies - World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov’t (.5) & Eco (.5) 4 Social Studies - World Geo, World Hist, US Hist, Gov’t (.5) & Eco (.5) Slide 32: Let’s look under the STEM endorsement column.  He needs 4 English credits 4 Electives in STEM 4 Electives in Business & Industry 4 Electives in Public Service 4 Electives in Arts & Humanities 4 Electives in Multidisciplinary Foundation Graduation Plan – 22 credits 4 English – ELA I - III & one advanced LOTE or Computer Programming 3 Science - Biology, IPC or Chem. or Physics & one advanced Physical Education Math - Algebra I, Geometry & one advanced Fine Arts Social Studies - World Geography or World History, Health US History, Government (.5) & Economics (.5) Electives

25 Use your tools to help! Locate the High School Course Guide on the PfISD Counseling Webpage. Contact your child’s middle school counselor. Contact a high school counselor at your child’s designated high school. Slide 45: Use your tools to help!  Locate the course guide on the PfISD counseling webpage and use your Endorsement Guide.  Contact your child’s middle school counselor or a high school counselor for assistance.

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