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Phases of a Teacher’s First Year : How You Might Experience the School Year TIP New Teacher Conference August 16-17, 2011 Presented by Dr. Brad Greiman.

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Presentation on theme: "Phases of a Teacher’s First Year : How You Might Experience the School Year TIP New Teacher Conference August 16-17, 2011 Presented by Dr. Brad Greiman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phases of a Teacher’s First Year : How You Might Experience the School Year TIP New Teacher Conference August 16-17, 2011 Presented by Dr. Brad Greiman University of Minnesota

2 Beginning Teacher Research  California New Teacher Project Ellen Moir, Director Over 1,500 new teachers  Minnesota TIP Slightly different pattern of phases for agricultural education ELTs 2

3 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month 3

4 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Anticipation 4

5 Anticipation Phase  Romanticizes role of the teacher  Committed to making a difference  Feeling of excitement carries beginning teacher through first several weeks  Idealistic view to accomplish goals  Elated but nervous with goal of outstanding teacher! 5

6 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Anticipation 6

7 Survival Phase  Reality occurs  First several months are overwhelming  So much to learn and so little time  Bombarded with a variety of problems and situations not anticipated  No time to stop and reflect on experiences  Feel alone & want someone to reach out  Looking forward to time of reduced stress 7

8 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Disillusionment Anticipation 8

9 Disillusionment Phase  Things are not going as smoothly as earlier envisioned  Classroom management is more of a stress than anticipated  Job time commitment brings complaints from family members & friends  Express self-doubt, have lower self esteem, and question their professional commitment  Most challenging phase 9

10 Disillusionment Phase? What Would You Do? Sometimes I just don't know about these kids and the other faculty in my department. I hope in the future, possibly at another school I have more motivated kids. It is just hard in my department because the other teachers do not care at all. The kids told me today that the other teachers in this wing don't care and don't enforce the rules so why do I try. I knew that is how it was but I guess it was weird to finally hear it out of their mouth. 10

11 Disillusionment Phase? What Would You Do? The kids just do not learn. I have to re- mind them of the same rules every- day. They are always trying to bring food or pop to class because they can do this in other classes down in this wing. Everyday, I take them and dump them out and throw them away. They just do not learn. It is one class in particular that is bad, they are older kids who liked it the old way. I try to plan lots of activities but there have been a bunch that I just don't do because the kids start causing problems and really don't learn anything. 11

12 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Rejuvenation Disillusionment Anticipation 12

13 Rejuvenation Phase  Improvement in attitude  Usually after the winter break  Experience has taught coping strategies  One-half year done; one-half to go  Concerned about getting everything completed by end of the year 13

14 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Rejuvenation Reflection Disillusionment Anticipation 14

15 Reflection Phase  Can see light at end of tunnel  Reflect on what worked & did not work  Envision changes and how things will be better! 15

16 Phases of First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Rejuvenation Reflection Disillusionment Anticipation 16

17 Anticipation Phase  Heightened sense of what they hope to accomplish  Less concern for survival  Focus more on student impact & less on themselves  Look forward to professional development 17

18 Goal of TIP: Positively Influence First-Year Teachers’ Attitude Towards Teaching (Moir, 1992) Aug S O N D J F M A M J July Month Survival Rejuvenation Reflection Disillusionment Anticipation 18

19 Does Teacher Efficacy Change In Novice CTE Teachers? (Ovrebo, Greiman,& Joerger, 2011) 19

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