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Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art you talking about? Lesson 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art you talking about? Lesson 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art you talking about? Lesson 6

2 Play vs Story Romeo and Juliet structured as a play Play meaning a stage representation – Story is told in a script format to be acted out on stage

3 Reading a Play Six Parts Act Scene Stage Direction Character Dialogue Parenthetical

4 ACT I Scene 1: late morning, in a classroom Ms. A enters the room and calls for the class' attention. MS. A Okay ladies and gents, it's time to work on the bell ringer! Quietly begin while I take attendance! Ms. A begins to call out the names. Students begin working on the bell ringer, and call "here" when they hear their name. MS. A (looking around the room) Who wants to go up and do the bell ringer on the board for us? Anybody? STUDENT (annoyed) I guess I will... The student shuffles to the board and reluctantly grabs a marker.

5 Romeo & Juliet Broken into 5 Acts Multiple scenes within each act Stage directions give us character’s actions, let us know what’s happening Parenthetical tells us how a character is saying something, or what action they make while speaking

6 Prologue: R + J Spoken by Chorus (regular actor that speaks to audience) Spoken directly to audience Explains the premise of the story R+J – Overview of plot – Formatted in a certain way!

7 Exit Slip Do you think love is worth dying for? Explain in one paragraph why or why not.

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