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WEEK 6 CONTENT. MONDAY BELLRINGER: COPY YOUR PLANNER MONDAY – Main Ideas & Sequence of events  Modifiers & Context Clues  The Monsters are Due on Maple.

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Presentation on theme: "WEEK 6 CONTENT. MONDAY BELLRINGER: COPY YOUR PLANNER MONDAY – Main Ideas & Sequence of events  Modifiers & Context Clues  The Monsters are Due on Maple."— Presentation transcript:



3 BELLRINGER: COPY YOUR PLANNER MONDAY – Main Ideas & Sequence of events  Modifiers & Context Clues  The Monsters are Due on Maple St. #1 TUESDAY – Modifiers & Context Clues  The Monsters are Due on Maple St. #2 WEDNESDAY – Comparison & Contrast/Simple & Compound Sentences - Context Clues TEST - Honors Max. Ride Quiz THURSDAY – Semicolons & Colons Main Ideas Quiz FRIDAY – Modifiers & Essential Vocab. Quiz

4 ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY Comma splice- an error caused when joining two independent clauses with just a comma; a run- on Clause- a group of words that contains a subject and a verb Compound Sentence- made up of two or more sentences that are joined with a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon Semicolon-a punctuation mark that joins two independent clauses

5 SUMMER READING Time to turn in your projects!! Make sure your name and class period are on them. Please pass them forward.


7 LITERATURE P. 968 Do questions 1 & 2 Please finish P. 220, Questions 1-5 if not completed on Friday. When you finish, please read silently or begin your homework.

8 HOMEWORK MODIFIERS HANDOUT HONORS: Read through Chapter 35 - do all related exercises. Write a character analysis for one of the main characters.


10 BELLRINGER Very Neatly…Please write your cursive alphabet three times (3X)

11 ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY Comma splice- an error caused when joining two independent clauses with just a comma; a run- on Clause- a group of words that contains a subject and a verb Compound Sentence- made up of two or more sentences that are joined with a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon Semicolon-a punctuation mark that joins two independent clauses

12 Go over and take up homework


14 LITERATURE  P. 980 Do questions 1-6  You may print.  Write the answers only.


16 BELLRINGER Please write a paragraph explaining how to tie your shoes. Use sequencing words Use descriptive language Make at least one comparison

17 ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY Comma splice- an error caused when joining two independent clauses with just a comma; a run- on Clause- a group of words that contains a subject and a verb Compound Sentence- made up of two or more sentences that are joined with a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon Semicolon-a punctuation mark that joins two independent clauses

18 Go over and take up homework

19 LANGUAGE NETWORK P. 189 Simple & Compound Sentences A simple sentence contains one independent clause and NO dependent clauses. Independent clauses: expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses: does not express a complete thought and cannot stand alone as a sentence. Benita teaches young children acrobatics after school.

20 INDEPENDENT WORK P. 190 Practice & Apply - odd


22 HOMEWORK IF YOU MADE 100 LAST WEEK, YOU’RE EXCUSED FROM THIS!! Write each Essential Vocabulary word and definition 5 times. You may print. Stay within your margins. Turn in tomorrow.


24 BELLRINGER: USE CONTEXT CLUES TO DEFINE Mr. Newton was there with Mike and Mr. Weber, Angela’s father; they all were watching me more surreptitiously than the strangers…..Half the town must’ve been looking for me.

25 ANSWER: CONTEXT CLUES Mr. Newton was there with Mike and Mr. Weber, Angela’s father; they all were watching me more surreptitiously than the strangers. Half the town must’ve been looking for me. secretly

26 ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY Comma splice- an error caused when joining two independent clauses with just a comma; a run- on Clause- a group of words that contains a subject and a verb Compound Sentence- made up of two or more sentences that are joined with a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon Semicolon-a punctuation mark that joins two independent clauses

27 Go over and take up homework

28 HONORS ASSIGNMENT Please write a five- paragraph essay examining the theme of any novel that you have read recently. 25 min Thurs.


30 LANGUAGE NETWORK P. 262 Semicolons - indicates a break in a sentence; stronger than a comma, but not as strong as a period A semicolon is used to join parts of a compound sentence without a coordinating conjunction. Enslaved people sang songs with secret messages; the songs told listeners how to escape.

31 SEMICOLONS, CONT. A semicolon is used between the parts of a compound sentence when the clauses are long and complicated or when they contain commas. Runaways navigated by the stars; and they lived off the land slept outdoors, and walked hundreds of miles to freedom. When there are commas within parts of a series, use semicolons to separate the parts. The travelers took clues from songs, such as a song about the stars; from quilts, which had special coded designs; and from other people along the way.

32 COLONS P. 262 Use a colon to introduce a list of items. An escapee carried few items: a knife, a flint, and a warm cloak. Avoid using a colon directly after a verb or a preposition. XThe recipients are: Joe, Sam, and Rita. XSend this message to : Joe, Sam, and Rita. Send this message to the following people: Joe, Sam, and Rita.

33 COLONS, CONT. Use a colon after the formal greeting in a business letter. Dear Mr. Smith: Dear Sir: Use a colon between numerals indicating hours and minutes in expressions of time.

34 INDEPENDENT P. 263 Practice & Apply Write the paragraphs, correcting errors in the use of semicolons and colons. You may print.


36 BELLRINGER When Stanley finds Zero, he doesn’t look well. Zero has been living on sploosh under the boat for days. Zero tells Stanley the sploosh tastes like peaches. Zero says he won’t go back to camp or dig any more holes. In the end Stanley shows Zero the mountain that looks like God’s Thumb. Which sequence best describes the order of events in this passage? 1) Zero tells Stanley about the sploosh. 2) Stanley shows Zero God's Thumb. 3) Stanley finds Zero. 4) Zero says he will not return to Camp Green Lake.

37 THE ANSWER TO THE BELLRINGER 3Stanley finds Zero. 4Zero says he will not return to Camp Green Lake. 1 Zero tellsStanley about the sploosh. 2 Stanley shows Zero God's Thumb.

38 Go over and take up homework


40 HONORS ASSIGNMENT Please write a five- paragraph essay examining the theme of any novel that you have read recently. 25 min Friday

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