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COMPUTER COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS C: common O: operating M: machine P: particularly U: used for T: technical E: educational and R: research.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTER COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS C: common O: operating M: machine P: particularly U: used for T: technical E: educational and R: research."— Presentation transcript:



3 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS C: common O: operating M: machine P: particularly U: used for T: technical E: educational and R: research

4 WHAT IS COMPUTER ? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or “data”. It has the ability to store,retrieve and process data. You can use a computer to type documents, send email and browser and the internet you can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting database man agement, presentation, games and more.

5 COMPUTER CONSISTS OF : (A) Monitor (B) Cpu (C) Keyboard (D) mouse

6 KEYBOARD There are four types of keys: 1)Alphabetic keys: A TO Z 2)Numeric keys: 0 TO 9 3)Functional keys: F1 TO F12 4)Special keys: EXCEPT ALPHABETIC,NUMERIC,FUNCTIONAL KEYS,REST OF THE KEYS ARE CALLEDSPECIAL KEYS. EG:- alt, control…

7 MOUSE There are two types of click in mouse: 1)Left click- This is used to select anything 2)Right click-This is used to select sub option.

8 SHORT CUT KEYS *Control=cntrl 1)cntrl+f2=print preview 2)cntrl+p=print 3)cntrl+s=save 4)cntrl+o=open 5)cntrl+n=new 6)cntrl+v=paste 7)cntrl+c=copy 8)cntrl+h=find & replace 9)cntrl+b=bold 10)cntrl+i=italic

9 SOME MORE SHORT CUT KEYS 1)Cntrl+l=left alignment 2)Cntrl+r=right alignment 3)Cntrl+e=center alignment 4)Cntrl+j=justified alignment 5)Cntrl+shift+d=double underline 6)Cntrl+1=line spacing by 1.0 7)Cntrl+2=line spacing by 2.0 8)Cntrl+5=line spacing by 1.5 9)Cntrl+k=hyperlink 10)shift+f3=change case

10 EXTENSION’S OF MS OFFICE 1)Extension for ms access:-.accdb 2)Extension for ms word:-.docx 3)Extension for ms excel:-.xslx 4)Extension for ms powerpoint:-.pptx DBMS:-data base management system Database is collection of tables. RDBMS:- relational database management system

11 4 TYPES OF DATABASE 1)Low level-(access)-dbms is used in it. 2)Middle level-(sql)-( structuring query language)- rdbms. 3)Higher level-(oracle) 4)Run command:- window +R


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