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Latin American Nationalism. Agenda Bell Ringer: What are the three major mistakes of Napoleon? 1.Brief Lecture, end of Napoleon and Congress of Vienna.

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1 Latin American Nationalism

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: What are the three major mistakes of Napoleon? 1.Brief Lecture, end of Napoleon and Congress of Vienna. 2.Lecture: Latin American Nationalist Revolutions. 3.Map of Latin America Explanation 4.Charting the Revolutions 5.Primary Analysis, Simon Bolivar’s document 6.Discussion: Creole vs. Mestizo vs. Peninsulares HW: Study Study Study….. Oh, and Study Things to know: 1. Focus Questions start back up next week, Chapters 17-19 are due February 14 th. 2. Research Paper Rubrics will be given next week with a modified timeline for completion. Begin to think about your topics. Remember it can be ANYTHING, but it needs to be specific.

3 Haiti 500,000 Enslaved Africans They could easily overpower masters, who treated them brutally. 1791, Toussaint L’Ouverture emerges as leader in the Haitian Revolution. French attempt to intervene, and L’Ouverture agrees to stop the revolt if slavery is outlawed. French accuse him of another uprising and he is arrested, dies 10 months later. 1803. Dessalines finishes where Toussaint began, and Haiti is independent in 1804.

4 Independence Movement by Creoles Least oppressed, best educated. Adopted Enlightenment ideas from education in Europe. Discontent rises among Creoles, Spain suppresses any revolt. Napoleon actually starts the revolt by removing the Spanish King and putting his brother on the throne in the Peninsular War. 1808.

5 End of Spanish Rule in South America Two major generals begin revolt. Simon Bolivar Venezuela declares independence from Spain in 1811. Not very successful at first, went into exile twice. 1819, surprised the Spanish Army and won, independence gained by 1821.

6 Mexico Class system dominates South America, Mexico has more ethnic and racial groups. Indians and Mestizos play a role in the independence movement. Miguel Hidalgo makes the first cry for independence in 1810. Priest in Dolores. Began a march towards Mexico City, 60,000 involved. Creoles and Spanish army didn’t like this idea of lower class Revolution so they defeat Hidalgo’s army in 1811 Firing Squad

7 Mexico gains Independence Jose Maria Morelos attempts to rally rebel forces after Hidalgo is defeated, Morelos is defeated by Creoles in 1815. Creole class begin move towards independence in 1821, fearing a loss of rights. Leading creole attempts to block any independence movement apart from Mexico, but he is overthrown in 1823.

8 Impact of Revolution Independence brought an increase in poverty. Why? A united Latin America collapsed with poverty and upheaval. Bolivar’s territories would divide as well as the Provinces of Central America.

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