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Western Civilization II. Philosophical Conservatism  Not rejection of all change, but reaction to violent upheaval of revolution  Believed in evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Civilization II. Philosophical Conservatism  Not rejection of all change, but reaction to violent upheaval of revolution  Believed in evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Civilization II

2 Philosophical Conservatism  Not rejection of all change, but reaction to violent upheaval of revolution  Believed in evolution – building on the best traditions  Edmund Burke opposed French Revolution because it threw away tradition and culture Edmund Burke

3 Religious Conservatism  Particularly resented Jacobin attempt to destroy Church  Joseph de Maistre championed papal supremacy (ultramontanism)  Argued religion, not science, was true civilizing force Joseph de Maistre

4 Political Conservatism  Power & privileges of aristocracy are necessary for social harmony Aristocracy defined as rule of the best Aristocrats had necessary experience & education  Scoffed at idea of “natural rights” and abstract theories of government Institutions evolve over time to meet particular needs of a society Must be based on history & national character (volkgeist)

5 The Concert of Europe  Congress of Vienna (1814-15) est. principles of legitimacy & maintaining the balance of power Netherlands, Prussia & Piedmont- Sardinia strengthened as buffers against France  Concert of Europe: Great Powers agreed to meet periodically to maintain the balance of power  Great Britain dropped out in 1822 because unwilling to put down liberal revolutions in Italy & Spain  Holy Alliance: France, Austria, Prussia & Russia Wanted to undo revolutions in Spanish American colonies, but blocked by Britain & U.S. (Monroe Doctrine) Klemens von Metternich

6 ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license. Europe after 1815

7 Latin American Revolutions

8 Conservatism in Practice: France  Louis XVIII (1814-1824): “L’union et l’oublie” Kept Concordat & Code Civil Charter had bicameral legislature, but suffrage limited to wealthiest 100,000  Charles X (1824-1830): “Le trone et l’autel” Tried to replace individualism with medieval corporatism Law of Sacrilege made tampering with the Host a capital crime Dismissed liberal Chamber of Deputies in March 1830 & issued drastic July Ordinances censoring press King Louis XVIII King Charles X

9 The July Revolution (1830)

10 The July Monarchy  July Revolution of 1830 placed Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, on the throne Called the “Citizen King” Wore business suits & hats  Tried to recreate the liberal constitutional monarchy of 1789-1792 Repudiated ultramontanism & corporatism Suffrage only doubled to 200,000 Francois Guizot stabilized economy, 1840-47 King Louis Philippe

11 The Revolution of 1848  Economic depression & foolish attempts to suppress dissent led to revolt in Feb. 1848  End of Socialist Louis Blanc’s National Workshops sparked June Days uprising Brutally suppressed by Cavaignac  Constitution of 1848 created unicameral legislature & president elected by universal male suffrage Liberty

12 The Second Republic  Dec. 1848 presidential election was landslide win for Louis Napoleon Bonaparte  Monarchists in legislature divided between the Legitimists and Orleanists  Dec. 2, 1851 coup d’état extended presidential term to 10 years & reduced legislature’s power  Dec. 1852 – Emperor Napoleon III crowned Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

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