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Status of the ILC Brian Foster (Oxford & GDE) PECFA Meeting CERN 27/11/09.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the ILC Brian Foster (Oxford & GDE) PECFA Meeting CERN 27/11/09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the ILC Brian Foster (Oxford & GDE) PECFA Meeting CERN 27/11/09

2 I could pick many statements. Here are 2: CERN Council Strategy Document: –“It is fundamental to complement the results of the LHC with measurements at a linear collider. In the energy range of 0.5 to 1 TeV, the ILC, based on superconducting technology, will provide an unique scientific opportunity at the energy frontier.” OECD Science Ministerial Statement (2004)” –“..noted the worldwide consensus of the scientific community, which has chosen an electron-positron linear collider as the next accelerator-based facility… endorsed the OECD GSF statement on ILC….” Why the ILC? B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 2 Global Design Effort

3 Why the ILC? B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 3 Global Design Effort E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years (corresponds to 2*10 34 cm -2 s -1 ) Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV

4 Overall ILC Layout from RDR 1 st Stage: 500 GeV; central DR et al. campus; 2 “push-pull” detectors in 14 mrad IR. B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 4 Global Design Effort

5 GDE Structure B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 5 Global Design Effort SCRF -ML G-CFS AS EU AM AS ILCSCFALC ILC-GDE Director Regional Directors Project Managers AAP PAC FALC-RG Director’s Office = ~ Central Team = ~ EC + Experts Project. M. Office - EDMS - Cost & Schedule - Machine Detector Interface - ILC, XFEL, Project X liaison - ILC Communications BF MH KY BB CLIC PM EC~11; weekly teleconf.

6 GDE R&D - the Technical Phase B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 6 Global Design Effort Major TDP Goals: ILC design evolved for cost / performance optimization Complete crucial demonstration and risk- mitigating R&D Updated VALUE estimate and schedule Project Implementation Plan (PIP) Updated every six months

7 Available GDE resources B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 7 Global Design Effort Resource total: 2009-2012 Not directly included: –There are other Project-specific and general infrastructure resources that overlap with ILC TDP

8 TDP Timeline B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 8 Global Design Effort SB2009 studies 20092010 RDR ACD concepts R&D Demonstrations TDP Baseline Technical Design 201120122013 RDR Baseline New baseline inputs TDR TDP-1 TDP-2 Change Request

9 Major R&D Goals for TDP1 B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 9 Global Design Effort SCRF High Gradient R&D - globally coordinated program to demonstrate gradient by 2010 with 50%yield ATF-2 at KEK Demonstrate Fast Kicker performance and Final Focus Design Electron Cloud Mitigation – (CesrTA) Electron Cloud tests at Cornell to establish mitigation and verify one damping ring is sufficient. Accelerator Design and Integration (AD&I) Studies of possible cost reduction designs and strategies for consideration in a re-baseline in 2010

10 SRF Test Facilities B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 10 Global Design Effort  KEK, Japan  DESY  FNAL TTF/FLASH ~1 GeV ILC-like beam ILC RF unit (* lower gradient) NML facility Under construction first beam 2010 ILC RF unit test STF (phase I & II) Under construction first beam 2011 ILC RF unit test

11 Other Test Facilities B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 11 Global Design Effort  KEK, Japan  Cornell  INFN Frascati CesrTA (Cornell) electron cloud low emittance DA  NE (INFN Frascati) kicker development electron cloud ATF & ATF2 (KEK) ultra-low emittance Final Focus optics

12 Key R&D - SCRF B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 12 Global Design Effort

13 Key R&D – SCRF Global Plan B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 13 Global Design Effort

14 Key R&D – Cavity gradient B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 14 Global Design Effort Two-pass processing of cavities Yield at 31.5 MV/m ~40%

15 Key R&D – 1 st XFEL Cryomodule B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 15 Global Design Effort

16 Key R&D – Cryomodule B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 16 Global Design Effort

17 Key R&D – SCRF Future Strategy B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 17 Global Design Effort

18 Key R&D – Beam Delivery B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 18 Global Design Effort ATF/ATF2 Layout ATF2 Goals Test fast kicker magnet Focus the electron beam to 35 nm in vertical Stabilize the vertical beam position with 2 nm resolution Optical Table of the Shintake monitor

19 Key R&D – E cloud @ CESR B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 19 Global Design Effort Low-energy electrons Beampipe EM wave Phase velocity changes in the ec region Signal Generator  Receiver Amplifier Isolator Bandpass Filter 180º Hybrid Beam Electron Cloud

20 Key R&D – CF&S & Rebaselining B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 20 Global Design Effort Cost constraint in TDR –Updated cost estimate in 2012  6.7 BILCU –Need margin against possible increased component costs Process forces critical review of RDR design –Errors and design issues identified –Iteration and refinement of design –More critical attention on difficult issues Balance for risk-mitigating R&D –Majority of global resources focused in R&D –Important to prepare / re-focus project-orientated activities for TDP-2 Need for design options and flexibility –Unknown site location Rationale to move away from RDR:

21 Key R&D – CF&S & Rebaselining B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 21 Global Design Effort Proposals: 1.A Main Linac length consistent with an optimal choice of average accelerating gradient –RDR: 31.5 MV/m, to be re-evaluated 2.Single-tunnel solution for the Main Linacs and RTML, with two possible variants for the HLRF –Klystron cluster scheme –DRFS scheme 3.Undulator-based e+ source located at the end of the electron Main Linac (250 GeV) –Capture device: Quarter-wave transformer 4.Reduced parameter set (with respect to the RDR) n b = 1312 (so-called “Low Power”)

22 Key R&D – CF&S & Rebaselining B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 22 Global Design Effort 4.Approx. 3.2 km circumference damping rings at 5 GeV –6 mm bunch length 5.Single-stage bunch compressor –compression factor of 20 6.Integration of the e+ and e- sources into a common “central region beam tunnel”, together with the BDS. GDE group co-chaired by BF and A. Seryi trying to answer questions from experiments on how these changes will affect physics extraction, backgrounds etc.

23 Key R&D – CF&S & Rebaselining B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 23 Global Design Effort RDR layout (not to scale) SB2009 layout (not to scale)

24 Key R&D – RF Distribution B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 24 Global Design Effort Klystron Cluster scheme:

25 Key R&D – RF Distribution B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 25 Global Design Effort Distributed scheme:

26 Virtual ILC TOUR B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 26 Global Design Effort 12/7/2015PAC Meeting, Pohang, Korea30/09/09N.Collomb Positron Main Dump line (after collision) BDS (e- side) Heading towards I.P. Electron RTML (coming from DR) Positron Transfer Line Heading into DR Transfer Tunnel branch Electron Beam direction Positron Beam direction I.P. (down here somewhere) Central Integration – AD&I

27 ILC-CLIC cooperation B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 27 Global Design Effort CLIC – ILC Collaboration has two basic purposes: 1.allow a more efficient use of resources, especially engineers –CFS / CES –Beamline components (magnets, instrumentation…) 2.promote communication between the two project teams. –Comparative discussions and presentations will occur –Good understanding of each other’s technical issues is necessary –Communication network – at several levels – supports it Seven working groups which are led by conveners from both projects

28 ILC-CLIC cooperation B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 28 Global Design Effort Conclusions from CERN/CLIC/ILC management at CERN include: –Existing working groups deemed success ; two more (damping rings & positron production) created –Jean Pierre Delahaye (CLIC Study Leader) has joined GDE EC, and BF (European Regional Director) has joined the CLIC steering committee. –joint workshop in Sept/Oct. 2010; further joint management meetings. – Joint general issues subgroup endorsed by ILCSC and the CLIC Collaboration Board – joint chairs M. Harrison (GDE) & P. LeBrun (CLIC).

29 ILC Governance & PIP B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 29 Global Design Effort FALC American Governance Asian Governance GDE Governance ILC-HiGrade Governance CERN Council (Strategy group) EU Legal Framework ILCSC Siting ILCSC Communication Cross-members

30 ILC Governance timetable B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 30 Global Design Effort 1) FALC presentation – July 13 th 2009 ✔ 2) Albuquerque Sep 29 – Oct 3 – tentative conclusion on funding model – fractions per partner, size of common fund etc. ✔ 3) EC face-to-face ~ Jan. Oxford – conclusion on funding models, preliminary conclusion on governance model options 4) Beijing March/April 2010? – conclusion on governance model options 5) Write preliminary governance report and iterate May – June 2010 6) Present to and hope to get agreement from ICFA, ILCSC, PAC & FALC – June-July 2010? 7) Present at Paris ICHEP July 2010 – N.B. this is not a final report and no funding authority/government will be expected to sign off on it. ILC HiGrade Gov. meeting at lunchtime today on item 3)

31 ILC Cost – fact & fiction B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 31 Global Design Effort RDR cost (value) = 6.62 B$ (US 2007) (+ 24M person-hours explicit labor ~ $1.4B) => $8B So why do you keep hearing ludicrous figures like $20B? DOE accounting - Add some contingency (note GDE estimates include some, but not all (DoE) contingency. It needs to be done item by item. (conservatively + 20%) Escalation to “then year dollars” using arbitrary inflation estimate This is the big factor that people use – escalating for ~ 15-20 years gives ~ 200% For the total project, this gives ~$20B+ (then year $$) But e.g. Japan has ~ 0 inflation! US will never build the entire machine GDE aims that savings from rebaselining will maintain RDR cost in 2012

32 Summary and Outlook Enormous progress continues to be made in ALL of the critical R&D areas essential to build affordable ILC – particularly in SCRF. Wider political arena being addressed through ILCSC and FALC. On schedule for submission of convincing & detailed TDR end 2012. B. Foster - PECFA - 11/09 32 Global Design Effort Next steps rebaselining meeting in DESY next week and AAP review in Oxford Jan 6 - 8. I hope to be able to report more progress to you at next PECFA meeting.

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