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Unit Five Working Together. Study Objectives This unit looks at various aspects of working in business and occasions when people may be expected to talk.

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1 Unit Five Working Together

2 Study Objectives This unit looks at various aspects of working in business and occasions when people may be expected to talk about their workplace. Firstly, one may have to show someone physically around the office or premises. Then, more generally, one may be asked to describe how the business is organized. Furthermore, people in business may often be called upon to describe to outsiders or friends what their company actually does. Manager-employee relationships are also considered.

3 5.1 Getting to know the workplace… This section covers the important question of finding one’s way about a company’s premises either as someone who is new to the company or as a visitor. It concentrates on office life and how offices are laid out.

4 Departments/Sections of a Company Personnel Human Resources Administration General Affairs Marketing Sales Finance Purchasing Dispatch Production After-sales Quality Control (Q&C) Research & Development (R&D) Advertising Public Relations (P&R) Logistics 人事 人力资源 行政管理 总务 营销 销售 财务 采购 发货 生产 售后服务 质量控制 研发 广告 公关 物流

5 Step A Listen to the conversation and number the rooms that Michael is shown. Attention: the tour starts at Mrs. Bronson’s office.

6 Step B Discussion Work in pairs and decide which points you think are important. If you think any of them are ‘silly’ piece of advice, how would change them?

7 Step D Imagine that an important visitor is coming to your firm. She has sent you this fax. The fax provides reading input and sets the scene. Homework: Draft a fax to Ms Trosborg arranging the date and the time you propose for the visit.

8 MODEL MEMORANDUM From: Publicity Officer To: Managing Director Subject: Visitor from Denmark Date: 13/9/-- On 15 November Ms Trosborg, Design Director of the Tivoli Design Consortium of Copenhagen is paying a visit to our offices. I would like to ask whether you are likely to be in that morning. If possible I would like to bring Ms Trosborg to see you for a brief meeting, probably ten minutes or so, just to make contact. Would 11.45 be OK? Please let me know as soon as possible if it is convenient. Thanks, (Signature)

9 Model fax Anita Trosborg Design Director Tivoli Design Consortium Berstorffsgade 19, DK-1557 Copenhagen, Denmark Fax: + (45) 56 39 42 38 Date______ Dear Anita Trosborg, We thank you for your enquiry concerning your prospective visit here. I am writing to say that it would be convenient for you to visit our office on 15 November, from 11.30. I have arranged a brief meeting with our managing director and then a meeting and possibly lunch with our design manager after that. I hope you will find the time convenient. If so, please confirm as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving you. Yours sincerely, (Signature) Publicity Officer

10 5.2 Different Kinds of Companies This section deals with types of business and occupational structure in various sectors of industry and product groups. Divisions of economic activity: ① primary industry ② secondary industry ③ tertiary industry

11 Sole Proprietorships 个人企业 独资经营企业,由一名出资 者单独出资并经营 Own all assets, profits and liabilities or debts Partnerships 合伙企业 两人以上组成,订立合伙协 议,共同出资,合伙经营, 共享收益,共担风险 Common ownership, shared profits and losses, right to participate in managing the operation of the business Joint Ventures 合资企业 两个或以上属于不同国家 (地区)的公司、企业或其 他经济组织以合资方式组成 的经济实体 Poll resources & expertise from different areas or countries, share risks and rewards Corporations 公司 依公司法的规定设立的法人 组织,具有独立的法人资格, 有权以公司名义拥有财产, 享有权利,承担义务 Legal entity, empowered with legal rights such as to sue and be sued, own property, loan and borrow money Franchises 特许经营 特许者将自己拥有的商标、 技术、经营模式等授予被特 许者使用,并收取相应费用 Use a business name and sell products or services, usually in a specific geographical territory Forms of Business Ownership 企业产权形式

12 state-operated enterprise state-owned enterprise privately-owned enterprise township enterprise collective enterprise multinational company parent company subsidiary company branch office representative offices holding company listed company 国营企业 国有企业 私营企业 乡镇企业 集体企业 跨国公司 母公司 附属公司 分公司 代表处 控股公司 上市公司

13 Step A Which of these companies do you know? Match them up with the sectors of industry and the product groups in the chart.

14 Step B Reading Suggested answers: business, major, secondary, services, workers, another, most, countries, work, primary, lab our, basic, fully, productive, economic, fishing, percent

15 5.3 Company organization This section deals with the divisions and departments of a company and the use of job titles within the company.

16 Top Level Managers 高层 (president, chief executive officer) Middle Level Managers 中 层 (department manager) First Level Managers 基层 (production, sales, R & D supervisor Accounting supervisor) Non-managerial Employees (line jobs, staff jobs)

17 Attention: American job titles differ from British ones. USAUSA President Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vice-President Financial Controller Director (Personnel Director) GB Chairman Managing Director (MD) Director Account Manager (Personnel Manager)

18 Step A This listening exercise involves listening for detail. Answers: Robert leaf, Finance Director, Marketing Manager, George Harris, Personnel Manager, Research and Development Manager, Chow Fung, General Manager

19 5.4 Company Developments This section looks at the history of two contemporary companies, and encourages students to consider the development of their own company (or, if they don’t work, the company in the advertisement in File 70)

20 Step A Reading Answers: 1)Planning and Building for over 150 years---- Philipp Holzmann 2)Pioneering Tomorrow’s Electronics---Siemens

21 5.5 Working with people Besides its reading and listening activities, this section deals with the functions of agreeing and disagreeing. You have the opportunity to discuss opinions about company organization and manager- employee relations.

22 Step A Reading Discuss which of the titles seem more suitable than others---the original article was titled The World’s Most Unusual Workplace though others might be equally good. Suggested answers: 1)Workers 2) the assembly line and economies of scale 3) a quarter of employees fix their own 4) The workers decide 5) employees 6) employees 7) there are no central computers 8) there are no controls over expenses and business travel 9) he makes his own Suggested answers: 1) pumps, dishwashers and cooling units 2) they have increased fivefold 3) Good,$30 million 4) 23 per cent is exported 5) Free of debt

23 Step B Suggested answers: bureaucracy at work Staff promotion systems Management elections by the workers The design of Semco’s factory building The success of large corporations Suggested answers: True: 2 3 5 7 False: 1 4 6 8 9 10

24 Step C Discussion Please discuss the options listed and use the functional exponents for agreeing and disagreeing. It is important to choose polite forms when one disagrees with someone in a business setting.

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