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Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1 International Linear Collider In August 2004 ICFA announced their technology selection for an ILC: 1.The.

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1 Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 1 International Linear Collider In August 2004 ICFA announced their technology selection for an ILC: 1.The technology will be super conducting radio frequency acceleration in the main linacs 2.The warm and cold proponents must now come together in an international collaboration to generate a design using the best elements of each technology The international scientific community has 1.Proposed a structure for the international collaboration and management of the ILC preconstruction R&D a.ILC design, R&D, industrialization and further evolution will be managed under an organization called the Global Design Effort or GDE. b.The GDE will have a central management group, the Central Team, of about 20 people led by a Central Team Leader who is the “Director General for the GDE. c.Participation by international elements will be via signing a MOU Since 2003, governments have been discussing a framework toward a possible ILC.

2 Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 2 Linear Collider - Global Cooperation Organization Chart – The Global Design Effort

3 Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 3 Linear Collider – U.S. Activities  The technology selection of rf superconductivity in August 2004 requires a restructuring of the U.S. linear collider R&D effort: 1.The primary U.S. program was for a warm rf technology – led by SLAC (+FNAL, LBNL, LLNL) 2.Some U.S. universities (Cornell,…) and laboratories (FNAL, TJNAF) are also members of the TESLA collaboration. 3.The U.S LC team is the world leader in LC system design, machine simulation, and electron – positron injection complex design. 4.U.S. participation is required for the success of the ILC.  A management realignment into “The American Directorate” will combine the elements of the NLC collaboration, the TESLA collaborators, and university groups into one of three international R&D teams. The American Directorate would be part of the Global Design Effort  We are determining the R&D work packages and collaborations that will be the U.S. contribution to the ILC R&D effort  The next major international R&D technical activity is an ILC workshop in Japan in October 2004. The development of the worldwide R&D program will be a major topic.

4 Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy 4 ILC R&D Superconducting RF Spin-off Contributions & Applications  Contributions and applications to projects in the Office of Science 20 year facilities plan:  Rare Isotope Accelerator  CEBAF 12 GeV Upgrade  International Linear Collider  SNS 2-4 MW Upgrade  Super Proton Beam for the Super Neutrino Beam Source  RHIC II (electron cooling system)  Free Electron Lasers and Light Sources  Accelerator Transmutation of Nuclear Waste  Recirculating Linear Accelerators for light sources  Next generation X-ray lasers beyond LCLS and DESY FEL.

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