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Cystic Fibrosis Lela Biggus pd. 8.

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1 Cystic Fibrosis Lela Biggus pd. 8

2 What is CF? Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that effects the lungs and digestive system. A defective gene, inherited from BOTH parents causes the body to produce a thick, sticky mucus that: Clogs the lungs and causes lung infections Obstructs the pancreas and inhibits the body from producing enzymes that break down and absorb food.

3 Symptoms Salty-tasting skin Constant coughing, sometimes with phlegm
Frequent lung infections Wheezing and shortness of breath Poor growth/weight gain even with proper nutrition Frequent bulky bowel movements/ difficulty with bowel movements

4 Statistics 1 in 4,000 children are diagnosed with CF and 30,000 people are living with the disease. More than70% are diagnosed by age two. More than 45% of CF patients are over 18 years old. The predicted life expectancy for someone diagnosed with CF is in the late 30’s.

5 What Causes CF? CF is causes by a mutation in a gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). CFTR plays an important role in the production of sweat, mucus, and digestive juices. If someone lacks the gene to produce a CFTR protein, CF will result. One must inherit the CF gene from BOTH parents to have cystic fibrosis. If both parents are carriers of the gene: 25% chance you have CF and carry the gene 50% chance you carry the gene but don’t actually have CF 25% chance you don’t carry the gene and don’t have CF

6 Treatment/Prevention
There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis however vigorous therapy and a CF nutrition plan help extend the life and quality of life for a patient. Different techniques for treatment vary per person, however the main treatment is to clear the mucus from the lungs. This is done using vibrations to try and loosen the mucus on the lungs. Mucus Thinners, Antibiotics, Anti-inflamatories, and Bronchodilators are other treatment options.

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