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Miranda Overstreet and Jamie Dekle ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Grade Level: 3rd Specific form of writing: Acrostic Poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Miranda Overstreet and Jamie Dekle ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Grade Level: 3rd Specific form of writing: Acrostic Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miranda Overstreet and Jamie Dekle ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Grade Level: 3rd Specific form of writing: Acrostic Poetry

2 Miranda Overstreet Prewriting GPS: ELA3W1. The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.

3 Miranda Overstreet Prewriting PLO: Students will complete a graphic organizer for the prewriting stage of acrostic poetry.

4 Acrostic Poetry Topic word –Vertical Descriptive words –Horizontal –Relate to topic word

5 Prewriting Choose topic word For each letter in topic word –Produce different words Begin with the letter


7 Citation Burke. (2009). Burke Acrostic. Retrieved October 26, 2009, from Acrostic Name Poems: partments/socant/dhummon/ acrostics/teachers/Burke Acrostic.html

8 Example of Acrostic Poetry “ Savannah” Soccer player Artist and talented Vivacious, vibrant, very beautiful Affective, and efficient Normal and special Never too full to eat Also very curious and adorable Happy little angel

9 Practice Activity: 3 rd Grade Pre-choose topic word (teacher’s name) –Ex. Miranda Each letter of name –Individual box Produce four words –Begin with the letter

10 Assessment Activity: 3 rd Grade Students will: –A. Choose topic word Student’s name –B. Complete graphic organizer Produce four words per letter

11 Jamie Dekle: Drafting GPS ELA3W1. The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student m. Pre-writes to generate ideas, develops a rough draft, rereads to revise, and edits to correct.

12 Jamie Dekle Drafting PLO: Students will use the graphic organizer from the prewriting stage to construct a draft of an acrostic poem.

13 Acrostic Poetry Topic word –Vertical Descriptive words –Horizontal –Relate to topic word

14 Drafting Use words from graphic organizer –Construct phrases Relate to topic

15 Citation Burke. (2009). Burke Acrostic. Retrieved October 26, 2009, from Acrostic Name Poems: partments/socant/dhummo/ acrostics/teachers/Burke Acrostic.html

16 Example of Acrostic Poetry “Anthony” Always nice Noble kid Thankful and brave Homework always done One who always plays kickball Nice boy who pays attention Youthful

17 Practice Activity: 3 rd Grade Write topic word –Vertically Graphic organizer –Choose one word from each box Create a phrase with word –Must relate to topic word

18 Assessment Activity: 3 rd Grade Students will: –A. Write their first name Vertically –B. Use graphic organizer to develop phrases Written horizontally Must relate to themselves

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