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Presentation on theme: "THE IB AT ISB – JUNIOR PARENT NIGHT CLASS OF ‘17 THE DIPLOMA PROGRAM."— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTIONS OF THE EVENING 1.What is the IB Diploma Program (DP)? 1.Why do the IB? 1.What do parent/guardians specifically need to know in order to best support your student?

3 THE IB MISSION STATEMENT The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. (But, what about college credits??)

4 THE IB LEARNER PROFILE The aim of all IB programmes (PYP, MYP, DP) is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. IB Learners strive to be: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk- Takers, Balanced and Reflective. (But, what about college?)

5 WHAT IS THE IB DIPLOMA? IB is a TWO-YEAR course of study where students: take three (or four) Higher Level (HL) courses, take three (or two) Standard Level (SL) courses, write an Extended Essay, take a Theory of Knowledge class, and complete a full CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) program. Students earn an IB Diploma when they earn a satisfactory score on all internal (IAs) and external assessments for all 6 subjects, earn a passing score for their ToK assessments and their EE, and successfully complete their CAS program.

6 IN OTHER WORDS…. IB Diploma ≠ BSD Diploma WHAT IS THE IB DIPLOMA? ToK ✓ EE ✓ CAS ✓ + (3) HLs w/ no 2s & earning ≥ 12 pts + (3) SLs =


8 SPECIFICS Extended Essay: Independently researched & written 3500-4000 word essay supervised by ISB faculty member. Completed by early November of the SR year. (An ISB high school grad requirement!) Theory of Knowledge: 2-semester course that challenges students to ask questions about their knowledge and experiences; concurrent through the program of study. CAS: It’s not all about coursework; it is also about learning outside of school through Creativity, Activity and Service! Students initiate, collaborate, do and reflect on activities throughout the two years, concurrent with their academics. (ManageBac) BALANCE & REFLECTION!

9 THE ASSESSMENTS… IB awards course scores (1-7) based on IAs and External Assessments…. >> Internal Assessments (IAs) – internally assessed work, i.e. orals, papers, presentations, lab work. Teacher work is moderated by IBO. >> External assessments – exams and essays which are sent out IB Exams take place in May of Senior year and are 1-2-3 days long Registration for exams happens in early November/late October Exam fees… you can start paying as soon as you’d like! Costs for 2015 exams are $832 (including postage) WAIT! Actually, they’re cheaper thanks to the State of OR: only $508!

10 IB AT ISB… We are a FULL IB school so our students are full IB students unless an individual’s Four Year Plan & Profile needs to be adjusted to support HS graduation requirements. ________________________________________________________ >> This is all we do. >> DP students have a whole school community for support. >> We know every kid can achieve success in an IB for All school. >> We encourage every kid to test as this is an important opportunity for personal growth.

11 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW TO HELP YOUR STUDENT… JR year is harder! Expect emotional highs and lows (i.e. drama). CAS – Help your student brainstorm ideas for CAS; make CAS activities family events; ask your student to show you their CAS page on MB every now and then The ISB website – familiarize yourself with the Diploma Program materials posted there Extended Essay – Help your student brainstorm ideas and stick to deadlines (starts in Jan/Dec with deadlines all second semester) Students need SPACE and TIME – to study, to think, to find balance, to manage stress STUDY GROUPS!

12 IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT COLLEGE CREDITS…. My other class is our first year seminar, and honestly after IB HL English, IB HL History and ToK it has been a class which I enjoy and don't worry much about. Close reading of texts, writing essays and having formal discussions is something I've done a lot of, though of course there is always a lot to improve on. We had our first essay due last week, and the professor was stressing organization and keeping your thesis and argument consistent throughout the essay. Like I said, that has already been drilled into me the last two years so I feel okay about it. I think overall IB made me learn how to think and how to study, so that is coming in really handy now. I know how I work best, whether it's writing essays or preparing for a test. From a 2013 ISB Graduate

13 SO, WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL? WHY DO IT? "The rigor of IB Diploma requirements meets our recommendation for the strongest high school preparation possible. The Extended Essay echoes William & Mary's belief in the value of original research as well as the College's emphasis on strong writing skills, and the Theory of Knowledge course fosters active and critical learning and is philosophically akin to the goals of our freshman seminar program. The CAS component answers our call for students who have been exposed to community service and creative endeavors and who understand the importance of developing the whole person. In sum, the IB diploma candidate who has met the challenge successfully receives strong consideration from the William & Mary admission committee.” Allison Jesse, former Associate Dean of Admissions, William & Mary.

14 AND…. "IB is well known to us as excellent preparation. Success in an IB program correlates well with success at Harvard. We are always pleased to see the credentials of the IB Diploma Program on the transcript." Marily McGraff Lewis, Assistant Dean of Admissions, Harvard University "The IB is a first-rate program, one we are familiar with, and it prepares students well for a university like ours." Fred Hargadon, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Princeton University

15 ALSO… "Send us prepared students a la is the “best” high school prep curriculum an American school can offer." Marilee Jones, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, M.I.T. "One of the advantages of an IB curriculum is its structure and quality. It's a coordinated program, well established, well known, and well respected. We know the quality of IB courses, and we think the IB curriculum is terrific." Christoph Guttentag, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Duke University

16 TANGIBLE BENEFITS OF THE IB Scholarships  Students with a total score on IB exams of 30 or higher are eligible to receive a renewable scholarship of at least $3000 at most OUS schools and Pacific U (as well as sophomore standing). Credits  School specific – If you Google search the name of a college and IB you are usually guided straight to that college’s IB credit policy.  The OUS System ( EOU, PSU, OIT, OSU, SOU, UO, WOU)  Postsecondary credit will be awarded for scores of 5, 6, or 7 on either Standard Level or High Level IB Exams;  A student may receive up to 45 credits for an IB diploma

17 MORE COLLEGE INFO ISB College and Career Center Facebook page  ISB College Career Center website  ISB Home Page  Academics  College & Career   Many links to websites for Financial Aid, Testing, and College searches.  Also a link to BSD District site that list district-wide college nights: Information.aspx Information.aspx

18 A FAVOR TO ASK….. Would you consider answering the call to volunteer when you get my email in April? We need help invigilating exams during the month of May. Traditionally junior parents serve this role so they can see what their own children will have to do. I’ll email you in April via Synergy to see if you are willing. I hope you will be able to give up an afternoon or morning to sit and watch seniors test.


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