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The Diary of Anne Frank A dramatic reading.... Directions: 1.Please read and share your response with your neighbor to question #1 under “Before Reading.”

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Presentation on theme: "The Diary of Anne Frank A dramatic reading.... Directions: 1.Please read and share your response with your neighbor to question #1 under “Before Reading.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Diary of Anne Frank A dramatic reading...

2 Directions: 1.Please read and share your response with your neighbor to question #1 under “Before Reading.” 2.Yours truly (um – that’s me) will divide the class into halves; YOU (as a group) will need to decide who is playing what part) (11 parts total)

3 Directions: 1.Once you have determined who is playing what role, please take several minutes to read through the excerpt found on pages 189 – 193 and note-well (i.e. – mark it up!!):

4 Directions: Directly in your SB books, please note - 1.Star all of your lines (*) 2.Write the tone you will use to deliver each of your lines next to each of your lines 3. What words will you emphasize? (underline) 4. Where will you pause for effect? (slash)

5 Note-well: Ellipsis (... ) is used to show a pause or to show that words have been omitted Colon (:) is used in a script to show the name of the speaker. It is also used in non-script to introduce a list of some sort

6 Note-well: Dash (-) is used to set off or to emphasize content Parentheses ( ) are to set off comments or add’l info in a sentence

7 Directions: 2.Please read through this scene TWICE! Your second reading should be better than your first!!! 3. When you have finished this, please discuss in your group how and when the tone shifted in the play. Did setting, character, and/or plot cause the shift in tone?

8 Directions: 4.When each group has completed steps 1-3, you will “perform” a dramatic reading for each other (YIPPEE!!!!)

9 Closure: With your neighbor(s), please discuss: 1.What did you learn from this activity? 2. Why is SB spending any time on this activity?

10 Homework: 1.Answer all KID questions found on pages 189 – 193 in SB books 2.LC#7 due Friday 3.RR #6 due 3/30 4.Poems due 4/7

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