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RBM MANAGEMENT REPORT Executive Director's Report to the 13 th Board Meeting.

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2 RBM MANAGEMENT REPORT Executive Director's Report to the 13 th Board Meeting

3 INTRODUCTION At the 11 th RBM Board Meeting, the RBM Executive Director was asked to report on Partnership and Secretariat activities based upon specific priorities and targets that were agreed upon and approved by the Board This Management Report will describe and analyze to what extent the Partnership as a whole and the Secretariat specifically have been able to meet those targets

4 2007 Partnership Targets 1). >50% of Global Fund Round 7 malaria proposals are successful; 2). 100% of countries receive Phase II renewal 3). 80% of Global Fund malaria grants receive either an A or B1 rating 1). >50% of Global Fund Round 7 malaria proposals are successful; 2). 100% of countries receive Phase II renewal 3). 80% of Global Fund malaria grants receive either an A or B1 rating 1.) 62% of Global Fund Round 7 malaria proposals successful 2.) 93% of countries receive Phase II renewals 3.) 83% of Global Fund malaria grants received either A or B1 ratings 1.) 62% of Global Fund Round 7 malaria proposals successful 2.) 93% of countries receive Phase II renewals 3.) 83% of Global Fund malaria grants received either A or B1 ratings 1.) 76% of countries Supported by the Harmonization WG were successful 2.) Early Warning System not in place. Also, of the 2 countries losing grants, one was Latin American, indicating a need to expand beyond Africa 3.) The final target has been retained as an Important marker of Partnership success 1.) 76% of countries Supported by the Harmonization WG were successful 2.) Early Warning System not in place. Also, of the 2 countries losing grants, one was Latin American, indicating a need to expand beyond Africa 3.) The final target has been retained as an Important marker of Partnership success 3 TARGETS 3 RESULTS COMMENTSCOMMENTS

5 MANAGEMENT REPORT DETAIL Implementation Rate based upon Secretariat’s 2007 Prioritized Work Plan Support HWG with 2 meetings per year 1 15 HWG meetings held in 2007 2 3 4 Gap Analysis facilitated in 25 countries 10 Joint Partner Missions supported Gap Analysis database fully operational Gap Analysis facilitated in 25 countries Database built with 7 of 25 countries 2 Joint Partner Missions supported 5 6 7 8-10 11 12 13 14 15 CARN & SARN focal points appointed SRNs hold quarterly & annual meetings > 4 key advocacy events Communicate the Partnership’s goals, progress & activities 4 interim focal points appointed All meetings held 19 key events held or attended > dozen articles published; >1000 new subscribers to RBM info services 100% 28% 20% 100% 67% 100% ongoing * Meetings were held with all 5 African endemic countries; unfortunately meetings with other endemic countries in Latin America, the Asian Sub-Continent and South-East Asia proved difficult to coordinate and schedule during the year Two Board meetings held 10-12 Working Group meetings held 8 MEC meetings & 1 OECD meeting 4 SRN focal point secretariats 1 Qualitative Partner Survey Both Board meetings held 22 Working Group meetings held 5 MEC * meetings held + 1 OECD meeting 4 interim SRN focal points Survey scheduled for completion** Preparation of the Harmonized WP 16 Completed 100% ** The Performance Sub/Committee has begun this activity and will execute it together with the Secretariat in Dec/Jan; it is possible this activity may be carried forward into 2008

6 Hosting Two major activities were implemented that directly involved RBM's hosting agency, WHO. –Hosting MoU signed December 2006 –Administrative Reporting to the Assistant Director General (100% fulfilled): The Executive Director personally oversees and maintains a formal and regular communications channel with the HTM/ADG, and has kept the ADG informed in a timely manner of all developments within the Partnership.

7 Financial Report Introduction Based upon expected income flows, the initial budget of more than USD 9 million was reduced to USD 8.3 million through a prioritized work plan Of the 8.3 million, over 8.6 million was received Moreover, an additional 950,000 was raised for expanded and intensified support to Round 7 The amount of funds, therefore, received by the Secretariat was greater than USD 9.5 million Of this, 91% has been utilized


9 KEY CHALLENGES Alignment: Because of the broad and inclusive nature of the Partnership, building consensus & buy in can take time –Preparation of the 2008 Harmonized Work Plan should be a great help in overcoming these challenges Human Resource Constraints: In the Secretariat, SRNs and WGs, a lack of staff has hampered a number of activities –The recruitment process for the Secretariat has been delayed in 2008, however it has accelerated since August, with all positions expected to be filled by year’s end. –There is a need to expand full-time membership in Working Groups, especially the Harmonization Working Group, and establish permanent focal points and core members in SRNs

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