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Fitness and Wellness for All

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1 Fitness and Wellness for All
Chapter 1 Fitness and Wellness for All

2 What does it mean to be fit for life?
Being safe and smart Know what activities are best to develop physical fitness Physical activity and other healthy lifestyle choices improve your health and wellness as well as your physical fitness. Planning a physical activity program Monitoring your physical fitness Being informed at consumer products related to health and wellness

3 What is Physical Fitness?
The ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and effectively perform activities of daily living.

4 What is Health? The state of optimal physical, mental, and social well-being. Often confused with being sick or having illness More than just absence from disease

5 What is Wellness? State of being that enables you to reach your fullest potential. Includes intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects. Feeling good about yourself and with having goals and purposes in life.

6 Illness is the negative component of health that we want to treat or prevent, while wellness is the positive component of health that we want to promote.

7 What is physical activity?
Movement using the large muscles of the body. General term that includes sports, dance, and activities done at home or work, such as walking, climbing stairs, or mowing the lawn.

8 So then, what is exercise?
Doing a physical activity especially for the purpose of getting fit. Exercise is a physical activity but not all physical activities are exercises. Physical activity and exercise are both important for fitness, health, and wellness.

9 Fitness, Health, and Wellness Benefits received from Regular Physical Activity
Regular physical activity leads to improved physical fitness Regular physical activity leads to improved health and wellness. Helps prevent and treat various illness. Enjoy a longer life Look good, feel good, meet emergencies, have a healthy lifestyle. Resist fatigue and less likely to be injured Can participate in recreational and everyday activities Sleep better, do better in school and less depressed

10 The Important Parts of Physical Fitness
Health-related fitness components Skill-related fitness components

11 What are the Health-related fitness components?
Cardiovascular (Aerobic) Fitness Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition (Fatness)

12 What are the Skill-related fitness components?
Agility Balance Coordination Power Reaction Time Speed

13 What is Cardiovascular Fitness?
The ability to exercise your entire body for long periods of time without stopping.

14 What is Muscular Strength?
Amount of force your muscles can produce

15 What is Muscular Endurance?
The ability to use your muscles repeatedly without tiring.

16 The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
What is Flexibility? The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.

17 What is Body Fatness? Percentage of body weight that is made up of fat when compared to the other body tissues, such as bone and muscle.

18 What a hypokinetic condition?
Health problem or disease caused partly by lack of physical activity.

19 What is agility? The ability to change the position of your body quickly and to control your body’s movements.

20 The ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving.
What is Balance? The ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving.

21 What is Coordination? Ability to use your senses together with your body parts or to use two or more body parts together.

22 The ability to use strength quickly
What is Power? The ability to use strength quickly

23 The amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act.
What is Reaction Time? The amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act.

24 Stairway to Lifetime Fitness
Doing physical fitness Getting fit Self-assessment Self-planning Lifetime activity Lifetime fitness

25 Fitness Stunts (pgs ) Run in place Two-hand ankle grip Single-leg raise Arm pinch 90-degree push-up Line Jump Double heel-click Backward hop Knees to feet Double-ball bounce Coin Catch

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