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CSE-473 Mobile Robot Mapping. Mapping with Raw Odometry.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE-473 Mobile Robot Mapping. Mapping with Raw Odometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE-473 Mobile Robot Mapping

2 Mapping with Raw Odometry

3 Why is SLAM a hard problem? SLAM: robot path and map are both unknown Robot path error correlates errors in the map

4 Why is SLAM a hard problem? In the real world, the mapping between observations and landmarks is unknown Picking wrong data associations can have catastrophic consequences Pose error correlates data associations Robot pose uncertainty

5 Graphical Model of Mapping m x z u x z u 2 2 x z u... t t x 1 1 0 10t-1

6 Map with N landmarks:(3+2N)-dimensional Gaussian Can handle hundreds of dimensions (E)KF-SLAM

7 EKF-SLAM Map Correlation matrix

8 EKF-SLAM Map Correlation matrix

9 EKF-SLAM Map Correlation matrix

10 Victoria Park Data Set [courtesy of E. Nebot]

11 Victoria Park Data Set Vehicle [courtesy of E. Nebot]

12 Data Acquisition [courtesy of E. Nebot]

13 Estimated Trajectory [courtesy of E. Nebot]

14 Graph-SLAM Idea

15 Mapping the Allen Center

16 Comparison to “Ground Truth Map”

17 Three Mapping Runs

18 Three Overlayed Maps

19 3D Outdoor Mapping 10 8 features, 10 5 poses, only few secs using cg.

20 Map Before Optimization

21 Map After Optimization

22 Autonomous Navigation Courtesy of W. Burgard

23 Rao-Blackwellized Mapping Compute a posterior over the map and possible trajectories of the robot : robot motionmap trajectory map and trajectory measurements

24 FastSLAM Robot Pose2 x 2 Kalman Filters Landmark 1Landmark 2Landmark N … x, y,  Landmark 1Landmark 2Landmark N … x, y,  Particle #1 Landmark 1Landmark 2Landmark N … x, y,  Particle #2 Landmark 1Landmark 2Landmark N … x, y,  Particle #3 Particle M … [Begin courtesy of Mike Montemerlo]

25 Example map of particle 1map of particle 3 map of particle 2 3 particles

26 Rao-Blackwellized Mapping with Scan-Matching Map: Intel Research Lab Seattle

27 Frontier Based Exploration [Yamauchi et al. 96], [Thrun 98]


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