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By: Sierra Williams.  Confederate States  South Carolina  Mississippi  Florida  Alabama  Georgia  Louisiana  Texas  Virginia  Arkansas  Tennessee.

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1 By: Sierra Williams


3  Confederate States  South Carolina  Mississippi  Florida  Alabama  Georgia  Louisiana  Texas  Virginia  Arkansas  Tennessee  North Carolina  United states  California  Connecticut  * Delaware  Illinois  Indiana  Kansas  * Kentucky  Maine  * Maryland  Massachusetts  Michigan  Minnesota  Nevada  New Hampshire  New York  * Missouri  Ohio  Oregon  Pennsylvania  Rhode island  Vermont  * West Virginia

4 These states were pro slavery! They did not believe in secession!  Delaware  Maryland  West Virginia  Kentucky  Missouri  These states eventually sided with the union.

5 President Abraham Lincoln President Jefferson Davis UUnion CComposed of states who chose not to secede from the United States.  Confederate  Composed of states who thought they had the freedom to secede whenever they felt necessary. jpg

6  Great Britain  These country helped to supply the south for numerous reasons.  France

7  It was the beginning of the civil war  It started April 12,1861  General Beauregard led the confederate attack on fort Sumter.  The battle lasted two days without any casualties.  Major Anderson surrendered on April 14.

8 battles/images/civil-war-battles-6.jpg Fort Sumter

9  Union general was Irvin Mc dowel  The union hoped to advance and capture Richmond, the confederate capital. CConfederate generals were Beauregard and stone wall Jackson. SStone wall Jackson held his ground against union soldiers until Beauregard's troops could gather reinforcements.

10 Casualties:2896Casualties:1982 UUnion RRetreated north to Washington D.C.  Confederates  Confederate troops with fresh supplies forced the union to retreat.

11 July%2021st%201861-500.jpg Bull run

12  Both sides started to realize the impacts of the war!

13  Union  General George Meade led 93,921 troops to fend of confederate troops invading north.  Confederate  General Robert E. lee led 71,699 Confederate troops north to Philadelphia destroying any union troops along the way.

14 Union casualties:23,055 Confederate casualties: 23,231  Day 1: confederate troops sent union troops running.  Day 2: Despite heavy attacks, union troops held their line.  Day3: 12,500 confederate troops charged union troops on cemetery ridge. UUnion troops held them off with tremendous rifle and artillery fire.

15 The Battle of Gettysburg

16  If the union took control they would cut of the last port for confederate supplies.

17  Union Generals  Major General Alfred Terry commanded 9,000 troops.  Rear Admiral D

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