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CTC, Outcome from Two-beam Module Review on15/16.09.2009 G. Riddone, 20.10.2009.

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Presentation on theme: "CTC, Outcome from Two-beam Module Review on15/16.09.2009 G. Riddone, 20.10.2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTC, Outcome from Two-beam Module Review on15/16.09.2009 G. Riddone, 20.10.2009

2 Content  Aim and program of the module review  Module design  baseline as validated in the module review on 15/16-09-2009  alternatives under study  Test program  CLIC modules  CLEX modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.20092

3 AIM AND PRGRAM OF THE REVIEW G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 3

4 Aim of the review The aim of the CLIC Two-Beam Module review is the following:  Present the module baseline for the CDR and few selected alternatives  Review the baseline design for the module  technical design of the different systems,  their integration,  strategy for transport and installation  Consider alternative design for selected technical systems  Update baseline and alternatives, if necessary  Review R&D and engineering efforts for the completion of the CDR  Update workplan, milestones, cost estimate, manpower requirements G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.20094

5 Program  Introduction  Main requirements (beam physics and RF)  Technical systems (focus on baseline and show alternatives)  Integration (module and impact on tunnel)  Validation (mock-ups and test modules)  Cost issues  Conclusions and future actions G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.20095 Meeting over two days  15-16 September 2009 Report of results at the CLIC workshop and CTC Meeting over two days  15-16 September 2009 Report of results at the CLIC workshop and CTC

6 Program on 15 September 2009 TimeTitleSpeakers 08:45-09:00Welcome and presentation of the agendaG. Riddone 09:00-09:20Introduction. Charge for CDRH. Schmickler 09:30-09:50Introduction. Introduction to module layout and typesG. Riddone 10:30-10:50Main requirements. Beam dynamics requirementsD. Schulte 11:00-11:20Main requirements. RF system reqiorementsW. Wuensch 11:30-11:50Technical systems. Pre-alignment systemsH. Mainaud Durand 12:00-12:20Technical systems. Stabilisation systemK. Artoos 14:00-14:20Technical systems. Supporting system for structureR. Nousiainen 14:30-14:50Technical systems. Cooling systemR. Nousiainen 15:00-15:20Technical systems. Vacuum system and interconnections C. Garion 16:00-16:20Technical systems. Instrumentation and diagnostics. Beam instrumentation L. Soby 16:30-16:50Technical systems. Instrumentation and diagnostics. RF instrumentation A. Andersson 17:00-17:20Technical systems. Radiation issuesS. Mallows G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 6

7 Program on 16 September 2009 G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.20097 TimeTitleSpeakers 08:45-09:00Presentation of the agendaG. Riddone 09:00-09:20Technical systems. Magnet systemM. Modena 09:30-09:50Technical systems. Actuators for main beam feedbackH. Schmickler 10:30-10:50Integration, validation and cost. System integration in the module A. Samoshkin 11:00-11:20Integration, validation and cost. Impact on tunnel integration. Introduction to the tunnel cross-section J. Osborne 11:30-11:50Integration, validation and cost. Impact on tunnel integration. Cooling and ventilation systems M. Nonis 12:00-12:20Integration, validation and cost. Impact on tunnel integration. Transport studies K. Kershaw 14:00-15:00Integration, validation and cost. Test modules: hardware, program, resources, schedule G. Riddone 16:00-16:20Integration, validation and cost. Cost issuesPh. Lebrun 16:30-16:50Conclusions and future actions. ConclusionsAll 17:00-17:20Conclusions and future actions. Future actionsAll

8 MODULE DESIGN: BASELINE AND ALTERNATIVES G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 8

9 9 Module layout

10 RF structures G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200910  Accelerating structure: CLIC G, disks, waveguide damping sealed (100 mV/m, L = 230 mm, aperture ~ 5 mm)  PETS, octants. mini-tank (6.5 MV/m, L=310 mm, aperture 23 mm)  1 PETS powering 2 accelerating structures 1 wake-field monitor per ac. structure Water cooling Vacuum manifold around each waveguide PETS on-off Water cooling for couplers only Mini-tank for octants

11 Beam height and interaxis G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200911 Beam interaxis: 650 mm  same height for the two beams (to be reconsidered after CDR) Beam height: 620 mm (agreement also from stabilisation WG) 650 mm

12 Pre-alignment system/ girders G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200912  Accelerating structures and PETS + DB Q on girders  Girder end supports  cradles mechanically attached to a girder and linked by rods to the adjacent one: snake-system with articulation points adopted (DB: 100 A, MB: minimization of wakefields, validation at 30 GHz in CTF2)  Separate girders for main and drive beam  possibility to align DB quadrupole separate from accelerating structures mono-girder Alternative under study: mono-girder + + better stability, simplification for transport and installation - - non-independent alignment MB and DB (is separate align. needed?) - - additional weight for movers (cam system, are we ready?)

13 Support for MBQ - BPM G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200913  Separate support for MB Q and its BPM  snake system interrupted at each MB quadrupole  MB Q and BPM rigidly mechanically connected No full continuity between MB girders (increasing of align. cost) MB girder length changes as function of module type No girder underneath MB Q Beam height lowered MBQ support simplified MB Q beam pipe and AS beam pipe are coupled via bellows

14 Module sections Close to IP  better alignment IP G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200914 With MB quad

15 Beam-Based Feedback G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200915  Common actuators/devices for stabilization and beam-based feedback systems  extend dynamic range of stabilization actuators by 100 ! and make BBF corrections by displacing the MB quads. Fullscale = ± 5 um compared to ± 50 nm (several drawbacks)  original configuration  additional windings onto quad jokes in order to produce “a sort of dipole correction field”  MB quad: solid yoke, not possible to insert correct coils (bandwidth problems)  New proposed configuration: use electromagnetic correction coils for RT trajectory correction: 1 cm long 0.1 - 0.4 T magnet at each MB quad (feasibility under evaluation)

16 Interconnections G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200916  MB: gap is accepted (damping is needed for the long range wake)  DB: electrical continuity is required (100 A)  MB-DB: choke mode flanges (flexibility needed during thermal transient and alignment) DBMB

17 Others G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200917  Vacuum design based on 10 -8 mbar requirement  Cooling  Water cooling for RF structures and quadrupoles  Air cooling for quadrupole cables (powering strategy)  Instrumentation  BPM: 1 per Q  WFM: 1 per ac. Structure  Breakdown monitors (1 per PETS unit?) – how is it done?  Problem of radiation hardness

18 G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200918

19 TEST PROGRAM G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 19

20 Motivation for Test Modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200920 One of the feasibility issues is the two beam accelerating (two beam module is part of the program)  Address feasibility issues in an integrated approach  e.g. RF structures, stabilization-alignment-supporting systems  Establish coherence between existing test set-up up to future test modules in CLEX  Validate technical systems (tests in the labs) - if possible use components from stand-alone tests for test modules in CLEX  Validate two-beam acceleration scheme (tests in CLEX with beam)

21 Test modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200921 CLIC modules (as much as possible close to CLIC modules) CLEX test modules (Eucard – NCLinac – WP9.2/9.3) (to be adapted to test infrastructures) CLEX test modules (Eucard – NCLinac – WP9.2/9.3) (to be adapted to test infrastructures) We have to establish a test program with clear milestones before and after CDR TEST MODULES one project with two parallel lines TEST MODULES one project with two parallel lines

22 Strategy for main linac two-beam module validation G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200922

23 Objectives of the CLIC modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200923  Integration of all technical systems (dummy RF structures and quadrupoles can be used – real dead weight and interfaces to other systems)  Full metrology  Pre-alignment of MB and DB, including fiducialisation  Interconnections validation under different simulated thermal loads  Stabilisation of main beam quad in the module environment  Vibration study of all systems and identification of vibration sources  Measurement of resonant frequencies  Heating in several thermal cycles. Measurements of thermal transient e.g. how long it takes to achieve a new equilibrium state.  Transport of the module and verification of alignment

24 CLIC modules (LAB) G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200924 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Pre-alignment validation with dummy elements Interconnections - pumping (static conditions) Repositioning Measurements of resonant frequencies Pre-alignment validation with dummy elements Interconnections - pumping (static conditions) Repositioning Measurements of resonant frequencies Transport and thermal cycles Measurements of resonant frequencies Transport and thermal cycles Measurements of resonant frequencies Stabilization (Q) and pre-alignment compatibility Vibration study of all system and vibration sources Stabilization (Q) and pre-alignment compatibility Vibration study of all system and vibration sources The test module types 0- 1-4 are representative of all module types

25 014 CLIC modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200925 Type 0 Type 1 Type 4 A. Samoshkin

26 Objectives of the test modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200926  Two-beam acceleration in a realistic environment  Cost- and performance optimized structures and their integration in CLIC modules.  Accelerating structure (ACS) alignment on girder using probe beam  Wakefield monitor (WFM) performance in low and high power conditions (and after a breakdown)  Investigation of the breakdown effect on the beam  Alignment and stabilization systems in a dynamic accelerator environment  RF network phase stability especially independent alignment of linacs  Vacuum system performance especially dynamics with rf  Cooling system especially dynamics due to beam loss and power flow changes  Integration of all different sub-systems:, i.e. to simultaneously satisfy requirements of highest possible gradient, power handling, tight mechanical tolerances and heavy HOM damping  Validation of assembly, transport, activation, maintenance etc.

27 G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200927 Choke mode flange AS (CLIC-G) PETS (mini tank) Compact coupler with internal splitter ON/OFF unit 130 MW Coupler with internal splitter “Hammer” 3 dB splitter RF load~ 65 MW (tbc) RF diagnostic PETS (mini tank) AS DB Quad CLIC module type 0 From CLIC module to CLEX module

28 PETS G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200928 AS (CLIC-G) Compact coupler with internal splitter Coupler with internal splitter “Hammer” 3 dB splitter RF load RF diagnostic PETS (mini tank) AS DB Quad CLEX module type 0 From CLIC module to CLEX module

29 CLEX modules G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 14 accelerating structures 5 PETS 14 accelerating structures 5 PETS 29 750 mm Phase 3: Modules 0 and 4 Phase 4: Module 1 - 4.1: double length PETS - 4.2: two CLIC PETS replacing 1 double length PETS Phase 3: Modules 0 and 4 Phase 4: Module 1 - 4.1: double length PETS - 4.2: two CLIC PETS replacing 1 double length PETS FINAL CONFIGURATION Accuracy of 5 um is an issue: few WFM in a single structure

30 CLEX modules - configurations G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200930 No modifications on the test module type 0 HW No Recirculation Current increase from 12 A to 19.2 A Pulse length reduced from 240 ns to 140 ns No modifications on the test module type 0 HW Addition of a module type 1 Increase of current from 19.2 A to 22 A Phase 3, Conf. 3.1 Phase 3, Conf. 3.3 Phase 4, Conf. 4.1 Phase 4, Conf. 4.2 Nominal power and pulse length for 1 PETS and 2 AS Recirculation 12 A and 240 ns Modification on the test module type 1 HW (2 CLIC PETS) Needed klystrons and PC

31 G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.2009 A. Solodko T0 T4 T1 Beam Double-length PETS 31

32 CONCLUSIONS G. Riddone, CTC meeting, 20.10.200932  Baseline defined for CDR  Two alternative configurations to be studied: monogorder and additional 1-cm long magnet in front of each quad  decision by end of October 2010  In parallel study of other alternatives (e.g. cam system)  Design has to be frozen by 1Q 2010 – a lot of work and limited resources: needed close collaboration with all technical experts  ADDITIONAL MANPOWER NEEDED, proposal for a meeting next week with JPD and HS  agreement is urgent  Test module project with two parallel lines:  in the lab (from 2010)  in CLEX (from 2011) [also part of EuCARD – WP9.2 (G. Riddone /WP9.3 (A. Jeremie))  ADDITIONAL MANPOWER NEEDED, meeting next week with JPD and HS

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