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Chapter 6 Elbow and radioulnar joints Click on polar bear for snow.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Elbow and radioulnar joints Click on polar bear for snow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Elbow and radioulnar joints Click on polar bear for snow

2 Radius and Ulna Radius Label Ulna Label Supinator Fossa Supinator Crest Ulnar Tuberosity Semilunar Notch Olecranon Process Coronoid Process Neck Head Styloid Process Head Interosseous Crest Ulnar Notch Styloid Process Radial Tuberosity Radial Notch

3 Elbow- Joints Elbow Joint Humeroulnar Joint (ginglymus) Ulnar collateral ligament Radiohumeral Joint (arthrodial) Radial collateral ligament Radioulnar Joint (Trochoidial- proximal & distal) Annular ligament

4 Elbow Movements & Range of Motion Elbow joint Flexion: 150° Extension (hyperextension): 10° Radioulnar Joint Supination: 90° from neutral position Pronation: 90° from neutral position

5 Cutaneous Distribution

6 Deviations of the Elbow Normal Cubitus (Carrying) Angle 0° - 15° (valgus) Cubitus varus Forearm medial deviation Cubitus valgus Forearm lateral deviation Cubitus recurvatum Forearm post. deviation

7 Muscles of the Elbow Biceps Brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis Triceps Brachii Pronator Teres Anconeus Pronator Quadratus Label


9 Elbow- Muscles Biceps Brachii –movementmovement Strengthen Stretch

10 Elbow- Muscles Brachialis –MovementMovement Strengthen Stretch

11 Strengthen Elbow- Muscles Brachioradialis Stretch

12 Elbow- Muscles Triceps Brachii Strengthen Stretch

13 Elbow- Muscles Anconeus Strengthen Stretch

14 Elbow- Muscles Pronator Teres Strengthen Stretch

15 Elbow- Muscles Pronator Quadratus Strengthen Stretch

16 Elbow- Muscles Supinator Strengthen Stretch

17 Elbow Injuries Medial Epicondylitis Lateral Epicondylitis Ulnar nerve entrapment Subluxation and dislocation of radial head MOI: Test: Prescription: MOI: Test: Prescription: Test: MOI: Prescription:

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