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November 2014.  Talk to the person next to you for 2 minutes about your favourite game. What do you like about it and why?

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Presentation on theme: "November 2014.  Talk to the person next to you for 2 minutes about your favourite game. What do you like about it and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2014

2  Talk to the person next to you for 2 minutes about your favourite game. What do you like about it and why?

3  What games did we come up with?  Were any a surprise?

4  Video games have been around for a number of years now.  Watch this video and see how many games you recognise!  Rvk Rvk  What changes can you spot in the games as they have evolved?

5  When games are designed it is a long process:  Initial idea  Pitch (where you try and get a someone to make your idea)  Game design document (a detailed written breakdown of all aspects of the play, characters and controls)  Design of layouts and characters and levels – lots of drawing is done here  Only once this is completed is the game ready to be programmed!

6  When games are designed you have to think about:  Genre – what type of game are you making  Audience – who are you making it for  Characters – who are you going to see on-screen  Visual Style – how is the game going to look.

7  Get a game right and you can make a fortune  Get it wrong and you can lose a lot!  Look at these 2 trailers from 2014. Talk with a friend about why you think one was a success and one was a failure! Y z0fTCYFdhw

8  Use the A3 sheet of paper and the Game Design Dictionaries you have been given.  Write the name of a game in the centre.  Mind Map all the key terms that apply to that game.  What do you notice about the games?

9  6 modules across 2 years  100% coursework, no examination.  Some group or paired work.  This course is focussed on skills and understanding needed in the real world.  Learn useful skills and techniques.

10  Year 12 modules: 1. IT Skills for Employability (core). This is about using IT skills to further your career. Presentation and Communication skills are assessed. You look at how you can develop yourself to be more effective. 2. Computer Systems (core). Learn what goes on inside a computer and how to fix common faults and upgrade key components. 3. Computer Game Design. You go through the design process for a game of your own – from initial idea to pitch to design document. You also write reviews of existing games.


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