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Have you ever started drafting an essay only to sit and wonder, “How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay?”

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Presentation on theme: "Have you ever started drafting an essay only to sit and wonder, “How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have you ever started drafting an essay only to sit and wonder, “How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay?”

2 In this lesson you will learn to write an introductory paragraph to define your claim by arguing why this issue is important and addressing the opposing claim.

3 Let’s review the steps for writing an essay
Let’s review the steps for writing an essay. So far, we have gone through steps that included choosing a topic, finding evidence to support our argument, and planning to write. Now, we will begin drafting the essay.

4 A common mistake that writers have a weak introduction that leaves the reader guessing what the claim is. For the audience (cue), a weak argument leaves the reader (cue questions) asking (read). This can cause confusion for the reader. A strong introduction is key to sparking a clear message when communicating with the audience.

5 It important to have a strong introductory paragraph to present your argument.
Let’s look at the steps you can take to effectively draft a strong introduction. CUE #1 (Read) CUE #2 (Read) CUE #3 (Read)

6 Hmmmm, (Cue) “How do I structure an introductory paragraph
Hmmmm, (Cue) “How do I structure an introductory paragraph?” Well, I’m going to start with (CUE) grabbing the attention of my audience through the use of a hook, then I will present my major topic, and clearly present all of it with a thesis statement.

7 Let’s review my claim and major supporting reasons that I previously have done using the boxes and bullets model. My major claim is (CUE & READ) and the supporting reasons are (CUE & READ)

8 Question Interesting fact Story “How do I start my essay with a hook?”
Remember, a hook is used at the beginning of an essay to grab the readers attention. Let’s first look at the types of common hooks that are used (Cue) With that in mind, let me try it. (CUE) Let me start with a question. (Cue and Read #1) Hmmmm, that’s alright, but let’s see if I can do a little better. Let me try an interesting fact. (Cue and Read). I kind of like that, but I wonder what would happen if I combine both strategies. (CUE and Read) Ok, I like that. I really think that this engages the reader and leaves them wanting to read more. That is what a hook should accomplish.

9 Now that I have my hook, I have to think about
Now that I have my hook, I have to think about . . (CUE) “How do I describe my topic and present the major reasons for my argument?” I need to start off by looking at my major reasons that I will now draft into sentence form. Let me try it here with “many people are without clean drinking water” Let’s see OK, (Cue and Read) That covers my major point. Now onto my second point covering “Sanitation” (CUE and Read) “Economic systems” I can write this as (Cue and Read)

10 Now that I have my hook, I have to think about
Now that I have my hook, I have to think about . . (CUE) “How do I describe my topic and present the major reasons for my argument?” I need to start off by reviewing my major reasons that I will draft into sentence form. (CUE) Let me try it here with “The food is not tasty” Let’s see OK, (Cue and Read) That covers my major point. Now onto my second point covering that “There are no options” (CUE and Read) “The food is not healthy” I can rewrite that as (Cue and Read)

11 Now that I went through those steps, I have to ask, “How do I put my introductory paragraph together?” (Cue) Here you see the completed version. The introduction (CUE). The major reasons. (Cue) the opposing claim (CUE) and the thesis Read it.

12 It important to have a strong introductory paragraph to present your argument.
Let’s look at the steps you can take to effectively draft a strong introduction. CUE #1 (Read) CUE #2 (Read) CUE #3 (Read)

13 In this lesson you learned to write an introductory paragraph to define your claim by telling your reader why this issue is important and addressing the opposing claim.

14 Hook 2. Description 3. Thesis 4. Opposing Claim LearnZillion Notes:
--The “Guided Practice” should include 1 practice problem that targets the skill that was used in the Core Lesson. Use the same vocabulary and process you used in the original lesson to solve this problem. You’ll be making a video in which you solve this question using your tablet and pen, so all you need to do is write the question on this slide.





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