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Body Regions and Cavities and Terms of Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Regions and Cavities and Terms of Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Regions and Cavities and Terms of Orientation

2 The 2 major Cavities: Dorsal and Ventral cavity 1. Dorsal cavity: consists of 2 main cavities (1.) Cranial cavity: within the skull. It houses the brain (2.) Vertebral canal: contains the spinal chord

3 Ventral Cavity consists of thoracic cavity, and adominopelvic cavity  Thoracic cavity: o separated from the lower abdominopelvic cavity by the diaphragm (a thin muscles) o includes the heart and lungs

4 Ventral Cavity Abdominopelvic cavity: o Separated into 2 parts (1.) abdominal cavity: includes the stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, and most of the small and large intestines. Extends from the diaphragm to the top of the hip bones (2.) pelvic cavity:  includes the large intestine, urinary bladder, and the internal reproductive organs  enclosed by the hip bones

5 Name:_____________ Date:____________ Label each area correctly, hint all are cavities accept #5 which is a muscle that separates the two cavities

6 Relative Position Terminology Terms that describe the location of one body part with respect to another. Superior: means that the body part is above another part or is closer to the head Example: The Thoracic cavity is superior to the abdominopelvic cavity Inferior: means that a body part is below another body part or is toward the feet Example: The neck is inferior to the head) Anterior: (Ventral) means toward the front Example: the eyes are anterior to the brain) Posterior: (Dorsal) means toward the back Example: the pharynx is posterior to the oral cavity

7 Sagittal plane A lengthwise cut that divides the body into the left and right portions. Median (midline): when the sagittal plane pass along the midline and divides the body into equal parts The red plane is median plane and the blue is a sagittal plane

8 Transverse plane A transverse plane (Also known as horizontal) is a cut that divides the body into inferior and superior portions

9 Coronal plane A Coronal plane is a section that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions




13 Regions Cephalic Genital Pettelar Sternal Pectoral Umbilical Coxal Crural Tarsal Pedal Vertebral Dorsum Gluteal Femoral 15. Brachial 16. Cubital 17. Popliteal 18. Plantar

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