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ITU-T SG16 and JCA-IoT activities

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1 ITU-T SG16 and JCA-IoT activities
ITU Workshop on the “Internet of Things - Trend and Challenges in Standardization” (Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014) ITU-T SG16 and JCA-IoT activities Jun Seob LEE ETRI Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

2 IoT-related entities in ITU-T
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things ( ~) 30 participating entities: All ITU-T SGs, ITU-R WP1A, WP1B, WP5A, ISO TC 122, 204, ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 6, 31, WG 7, ETSI, CEN, OMA, GS1/EPC global, YRP, ECMA, GSIFI, TIA, GSM MSTF, OGC Working deliverable: IoT Standards Roadmap IoT Standards Roadmap On-going and published work on IoT in other SDOs and ITU Open to public (free download) IoT work plan On-going and planed work on IoT within ITU-T Internet of Things Global Standards Initiative ( ~) Core Questions: Q2/1, Q1/3, Q12/11, Q1/13, Q2/13, Q3/13, Q11/13, Q25/16, Q27/16, Q6/17 Additional Questions: 15 Qs Focus Group on M2M service layer ( ~ ) Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

3 Definition of IoT IoT IoT M2M (service layer) MTC M2M M2M IoT
A global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on, existing and evolving, interoperable information and communication technologies NOTE 1 – Through the exploitation of identification, data capture, processing and communication capabilities, the IoT makes full use of things to offer services to all kinds of applications, whilst ensuring that security and privacy requirements are fulfilled. [ITU-T Y.2060] M2M (service layer) Considered as a key enabler for IoT IoT A global network infrastructure, linking physical and virtual objects through the exploitation of data capture and communication capabilities [EU FP7 CASAGRAS] MTC A form of data communication which involves one or more entities that do not necessarily need human interaction M2M Communication between two or more entities that do not necessarily need any direct human intervention M2M Information exchange between a Subscriber station and a Server in the core network (through a base station) or between Subscriber station, which may be carried out without any human interaction [IEEE p] IoT a world-wide network of interconnected objects uniquely addressable, based on standard communication protocols [draft-lee-iot-problem-statement-05.txt] Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

4 ITU-T SG16 The lead SG on IoT applications
Q25/16 has been actively participating IoT-GSI from the beginning as a core Question Q27/16 started to participate IoT-GSI as a core Question Q28/16 has been participating IoT-GSI as a additional Question SG 16 – Multimedia coding, systems and applications Q25/16 – IoT applications and services (ex USN applications and services) Q27/16 – Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications Q28/16 – Multimedia framework for e-health applications Q2/13 – Requirements for NGN evolution (NGN-e) and its capabilities including support of IoT and use of software-defined networking (continuation of Q3/13) Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

5 Question 25/16 (1/5) Q25/16 has been working on USN (Ubiquitous Sensor network) and NID (tag-based identification) and now working on IoT applications and services USN and NID are considered as the key enablers for the IoT Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

6 Question 25/16 (2/5) Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014
Contents in ITU-T Y.2060 (Source: ITU-T Y.2221, ) (Source: ITU-T Y.2060, ) Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

7 Question 25/16 (3/5) Developed following Recs.
F.744, Service description and requirements for ubiquitous sensor network middleware F.747.1, Capabilities of ubiquitous sensor networks (USN) for supporting requirements of smart metering services F.747.2, Deployment guidelines for ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services for mitigating climate change H.641, SNMP-based sensor network management framework H.642.1, Multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Identification scheme H.642.2, Multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Registration procedures for identifiers H.642.3, Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture technique - Identifier resolution protocol for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

8 Question 25/16 (4/5) Developing following Recs.
F.747.3, Requirements and functional model for ubiquitous network robot platform to support USN applications and services F.747.4, Requirements and functional architecture for the open USN service platform F.747.5, Requirements and functional architecture of an automatic location identification system for ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services Developing following Recs. F.771 Amd.1, Service description and requirements for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces H.621 Amd.1, Architecture of a system for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Supporting multiple air interfaces Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

9 Question 25/16 (5/5) F.IoT-ASM, Requirements and refrerence architecture for audience-selectable media service framework in the IoT environment F.IoT-SPSN, Requirements of smartphone as sink node for IoT applications and services H.IoT-ID, Requirements and common characteristics of IoT identifier for IoT service H.IoT-Reqs, Common service requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services H.USN-WQA, Requirements of water quality assessment services in USN H.WoT-SA, Web of Things service architecture Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

10 Question 27/16 Q27/16 has been working on vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication /ITS services/applications ITS is considered as one of the important application area in the IoT Developing following Recs. (not exhaustive) H.VGP-REQ, Service and functional requirements of vehicle gateway platforms G.V2A, Communications interface between external applications and a Vehicle Gateway Platform G.VGP-FAM, Functional architecture model of vehicle gateway platforms Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

11 Question 28/16 Q28/16 has been working on multimedia framework for e-health applications e-health is considered as one of the important application area in the IoT Developed following Recs. H.810, Interoperability design guidelines for personal health systems Developing following Recs. (not exhaustive) F.EHMMF, Multimedia framework for e-health applications H.MEDX, Multimedia e-health data exchange services: Data schema and supporting services Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

12 JCA-IoT (1/2) Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things
Previously, JCA-NID which started its activities in July 2006 to coordinate the ITU-T work on NID and USN USN in not a physical network, it is a conceptual network making use of existing networks On February 2011, it changed its name to JCA-IoT to coordinate the ITU-T work on the “Internet of Things” including networks aspects of identification of things, and USN Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

13 JCA-IoT (2/2) Deliverables
JCA-IoT-D-1, Generic Reference Model Architecture JCA-IoT-D-2r7, IoT standards roadmap JCA-IoT-D-3, NID terms and definitions JCA-IoT-D-4, USN terms and definitions Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

14 Observations Needs more efficient internal coordination
Y.IoT-common-reqts vs. H.IoT-Reqs H.810 Needs to collaborate with other coordination bodies ISO/IEC JTC 1/SWG 5 Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

15 Thank you for your attention.
Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014

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