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State Estimation and Kalman Filtering
Sensors and Uncertainty
Real world sensors are noisy and suffer from missing data (e.g., occlusions, GPS blackouts) Use sensor models to estimate ground truth, unobserved variables, make forecasts
How does this relate to motion?
A robot must: Know where it is (localization) Model its environment to avoid collisions (mapping, model building) Move in order to get a better view of an object (view planning, inspection) Predict how other agents move (tracking)
Intelligent Robot Architecture
Percept (raw sensor data) State estimation Mapping Tracking Calibration Object recognition … Sensing algorithms Models Planning Action
State Estimation Framework
Sensor model (aka observation model) State => observation Observations may be partial, noisy Dynamics model (aka transition model) State => next state Transition may be noisy, control-dependent Probabilistic state estimation Given observations, estimate probability distribution over state Dynamics model xt xt+1 Sensor model zt
Markov Chain Given an initial distribution and the dynamics model, can predict how the state evolves (as a probability distribution) over time X0 X1 X2 X3
Hidden Markov Model Use observations to get a better idea of where the robot is at time t Hidden state variables X0 X1 X2 X3 Observed variables z1 z2 z3 Predict – observe – predict – observe…
General Bayesian Filtering
Compute P(xt|zt), given zt, prior on P(xt-1) Bayes rule: P(xt|zt) = a P(zt|xt)P(xt) P(xt) = integral [ P(xt | xt-1) P(xt-1) dxt-1 ] 1/a = integral [ P(zt|xt)P(xt) dyt ] Nasty, hairy integrals
Key Representational Issue
How to represent and perform calculations on probability distributions?
Kalman Filtering In a nutshell
Efficient filtering in continuous state spaces Gaussian transition and observation models Ubiquitous for tracking with noisy sensors, e.g. radar, GPS, cameras
Kalman Filtering Closed form solution for HMM
Assuming linear Gaussian process Transition and observation function are linear transformation + multivariate Gaussian noise y = A x + e e ~ N(m,S)
Linear Gaussian Transition Model for Moving 1D Point
Consider position and velocity xt, vt Time step h Without noise xt+1 = xt + h vt vt+1 = vt With Gaussian noise of std s1 P(xt+1|xt) exp(-(xt+1 – (xt + h vt))2/(2s12) i.e. xt+1 ~ N(xt + h vt, s1)
Linear Gaussian Transition Model
If prior on position is Gaussian, then the posterior is also Gaussian vh s1 N(m,s) N(m+vh,s+s1)
Linear Gaussian Observation Model
Position observation zt Gaussian noise of std s2 zt ~ N(xt,s2)
Linear Gaussian Observation Model
If prior on position is Gaussian, then the posterior is also Gaussian Posterior probability Observation probability Position prior (s2z+s22m)/(s2+s22) s2 s2s22/(s2+s22)
Kalman Filter xt ~ N(mx,Sx) xt+1 = F xt + g + v zt+1 = H xt+1 + w
v ~ N(0,Sv), w ~ N(0,Sw) Dynamics noise Observation noise
Two Steps Maintain mt, St the gaussian distribution over state at time t Predict Compute distribution of xt+1 using dynamics model alone Update Compute xt+1|zt+1 with Bayes rule
Multivariate Computations
Linear transformations of gaussians If x ~ N(m,S), y = A x + b Then y ~ N(Am+b, ASAT) Consequence If x ~ N(mx,Sx), y ~ N(my,Sy), z=x+y Then z ~ N(mx+my,Sx+Sy) Conditional of gaussian If [x1,x2] ~ N([m1 m2],[S11,S12;S21,S22]) Then on observing x2=z, we have x1 ~ N(m1-S12S22-1(z-m2), S11-S12S22-1S21)
Predict Step Linear transformation rule:
xt+1 ~ N(Fmt + g, F St FT + Sv) Let these be m’ and S’
Update step Given m’ and S’, and new observation z
Compute the final distribution mt+1 and St+1 using the conditional distribution formulas
Deriving the Update Rule
(1) Unknowns a,B,C xt zt m’ a = N ( , ) S’ B BT C xt ~ N(m’ , S’) (2) Assumption zt | xt ~ N(H xt, SW) (3) Assumption zt | xt ~ N(a-BTS’-1xt, C-BTS’-1B) (4) Conditioning (1) H xt = a-BTS’-1(xt-m’) => a=Hm’, BT=HS’ (5) Set mean (4)=(3) C-BTS’-1B = SW => C = H S’ HT + SW (6) Set cov. (4)=(3) xt | zt ~ N(m’-BC-1(zt-a), S’-BC-1BT) (7) Conditioning (1) mt = m’ - S’HTC-1(zt-Hm’) (8,9) Kalman filter St = S’ - S’HTC-1HS’
Filtering Variants Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) Particle Filtering
Extended/Unscented Kalman Filter
Dynamics / sensing model is nonlinear xt+1 = f(xt) + v yt+1 = h(xt+1) + w Gaussian noise, gaussian state estimate as before Strategy: Propagate means as usual What about covariances & conditioning?
Extended Kalman Filter
Approach: linearize about current estimate F = f/x(xt) H = h/x(xt+1) Use Jacobians to propagate covariance matrices and perform conditioning Jacobian = matrix of partial derivatives
Unscented Kalman Filter
Approach: propagate a set of points with the same mean/covariance as the input, reconstruct gaussian
Next Class Particle Filter Readings Non-Gaussian distributions
Nonlinear observation/transition function Readings Rekleitis (2004) P.R.M. Chapter 9
Midterm Project Report Schedule (tentative)
Tuesday Changsi and Yang: Indoor person following Roland: Person tracking Jiaan and Yubin: Indoor mapping You-wei: Autonomous driving Thursday Adrija: Dynamic collision checking with point clouds Damien: Netlogo Santhosh and Yohanand: Robot chess Jingru and Yajia: Ball collector with robot arm Ye: UAV simulation
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