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Strategies for Differentiating Instruction. sjmac What would you like to get out of this session? What question(s) do you have about strategies for differentiation?

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Differentiating Instruction. sjmac What would you like to get out of this session? What question(s) do you have about strategies for differentiation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Differentiating Instruction

2 sjmac What would you like to get out of this session? What question(s) do you have about strategies for differentiation? What is one area in which you would like some help?

3 sjmac The Importance of Procedures Students know what is expected Problems are avoided before they have a chance to occur Interruptions are minimized Routines, once they have been internalized by students, are easier to share with others, such as guest teachers

4 sjmac Teaching a Procedure Explain Model Practice Feedback

5 sjmac Quiet Signals Stop what you are doing Wait quietly Keep your hands free Look at the speaker Listen

6 sjmac The 3 Rs Revisit Review Reflect

7 sjmac

8 Empathy Modeling : Making Positive Class Climate a Priority 4 Indicators of Respectful Behavior: Tone of Voice Choice of Words Body Language Facial Expression

9 sjmac Empathy Activity Find your partner in the room. The two of you will create a true equation. 54 – 36 = 4 x 4

10 sjmac Teaching to the Team Present a problem to the group. It should be something they will need to think about (a level 3 question or a challenge) The group’s assignment is to explain to the rest of the room how they are going to solve the problem, that is their approach to solving the problem (First, we will…) Each member of the group, going around the table, will have to contribute one part of the solution. Everyone needs to speak. The group must work together to plan their oral presentation.

11 sjmac How much money do I have in my pocket? Use the following information and explain how you got your answer. One-half of the coins are quarters. One-fourth of the coins are dimes. One-eighth of the coins are nickels. One-eighth of the coins are pennies. Is there more than one possible answer? From Good Questions for Math Teaching: Why Ask Them and What to Ask, Grades 5–8 Team Task

12 sjmac The 3 Rs Revisit Review Reflect

13 sjmac Put in your two cents worth! It’s gonna cost ya! *Idea from Sharon Boudreau Math Facilitator Cape Breton-Victoria School Board

14 The Purpose of an Anchor Activity is to: Provide meaningful work for students when they finish an assignment or project, when they first enter the class or when they are “stumped”. Provide ongoing tasks that tie to the content and instruction. Free up the classroom teacher to work with other groups of students or individuals.

15 sjmac Anchor Activities Using existing resources for anchor activities Keeping an “open mind” about activities Student-created anchor activities

16 sjmac Sample Anchor: In the Balance

17 sjmac Resources for Anchor Activities Open-ended questions (little purple book) I Get It activities Website exploration (bookmarked sites) Math Journal writing Choice Charts completion Manipulative activities: exploring tangrams, pattern blocks, pentominoes, etc. Cribbage, Chess, Jigsaw puzzles 24 Math Makes Sense Centre Suggestions

18 sjmac Introducing an anchor Explain how to do the activity and how to track it Model it with the whole class Practice with half the class Feedback and try again with the other half

19 sjmac 24 7.5 8 1 2 Difficulty Level Final Answer All numbers must be used along with any operation to reach the total Operation Card Game 7.5 x 2 = 15 15 + 1 = 16 16 + 8 = 24

20 sjmac

21 I’m Stuck Form Date: ____________________ Assigned Activity:____________________________________ Problem: _____________________________________________________________________________ 3 strategies tried to solve the problem: _____________________________________________________________________________ Anchor activity selected: _____________________________________________________________________________

22 sjmac General Tracking Format: Date: ________________ Activity chosen:____________________ My comments, questions, discoveries: _______________________________________________________

23 sjmac Sample Tracking Form for Website Work: Website: ___________________________________ Select an activity to investigate. Record what you have done and the results using words, illustrations and numbers. Date: ________________ Activity chosen:____________________ My comments: _______________________________________________________

24 sjmac Post Directions: Anchor Charts Should be specific. Reinforces oral directions. Eliminates many housekeeping questions. Guides students to manage time. What to do while I’m waiting: Check my math folder for unfinished work Read a math book Choose a math puzzle or challenge activity Write in my math journal

25 sjmac Posting the Schedule Helps keep everyone one task. Gives time limit for teacher-led group and group working independently. Guides students to prioritize their work. 9:00 Mental Math 9:15 Independent Stations 9:45 Plenary Discussion 10:00 Phys Ed 10:30 Recess 10:45 Literature Circles

26 sjmac R.I.C.E. Recall what your teacher said. Imagine logically what the directions would be. Check with a classmate. See the“expert” for help. From The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson, l999

27 sjmac Ask 3 Before Me Students consult three other students or resources (e.g., Word Wall, anchor chart, directions on board) before coming to teacher.

28 sjmac Don’t “BUG ME” hat! A visual cue helps students remember not to interrupt. *Idea from Marie-Ève St-Pierre grade 5 teacher École St.Catherine’s School HRSB

29 sjmac Doctor is In ________________ From The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Ann Tomlinson, l999

30 sjmac

31 Organization, Distribution and Collection of Materials Colour Number Labels Tracking Storage

32 sjmac Sample Notebook Sample Copies Provides a template for student notebooks Maintains a clean paper copy Creates a space to store labeled sheets for absent students

33 sjmac Storage of Student Work Ongoing Math Activities Math Journals Homework Tracking Sheets

34 sjmac Storage of Math Manipulatives Storage for easy access Thinker Tools… Math Kit

35 sjmac Small Group Work Station Teacher Station Group Assignments Schedule Storage for activities and notebooks MathCentres

36 sjmac Celebrate Success! Memorable Monthly Math Moments

37 sjmac Literacy Connections Many of the strategies we use in literacy classes can be adopted or adapted to meet the needs of a math classroom Think of one differentiation strategy teachers use in the teaching of reading and writing Discuss your idea with a partner Be prepared to share an idea with the group

38 sjmac

39 Be clear about why you are differentiating: student readiness, interest, learning profile Understand that differentiation is critical for student success, but is not feasible all the time

40 sjmac Start small! Be flexible. Don’t give up!

41 sjmac Revisit, Review, Reflect What is one new idea that you would like to try? What question do you still have about strategies for the differentiated classroom?

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