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The supply-use balances Presented by: Nasri mabrouk.

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Presentation on theme: "The supply-use balances Presented by: Nasri mabrouk."— Presentation transcript:

1 The supply-use balances Presented by: Nasri mabrouk

2 plan Economic transactions related to a product Economic transactions related to a product Sources Product(i) Sources Product(i) Uses of this product Uses of this product sources of different operations in the balance sources of different operations in the balance

3  production (P)  intermediate consumption (CI) government final consumption(GFCE)  final consumption (FC) household final consumption expenditure (HFCE) Final consumption expenditure of non- profit institutions serving households (NPISH)  gross fixed capital formation (GFCF)  change in inventories( INV)  Import (M)  export (X)

4 Sources Product(i)  Domestic production(Pi)  Import(Mi)  stocks of the year n-1(Dsi) Total ressources=Pi+Mi+DSi

5 Uses of this product 1-intermediate consumption (CIi) 2- final consumption (CFi) 3- gross fixed capital formation (GFCFi) 4-exports (X) If the supply of this product is not the job of any previous use. it will increase the stock 5-stocks (ASi) Total uses = CIi + Cfi + ASi + Xi +FBCFi

6 6 Production Imports intermediate consumption final consumption gross fixed capital formation change in inventories Exports Ressources = Emplois ?=?= Basic price purchase price

7 7 Production Imports intermediate consumption Final cunsumption Gross fixed Capital Formation Change inventories Exports Ressources = Emplois = Basic price..purchase price Taxes on imported goods + VAT on products + Other taxes on products - subsidies on products  margins  Incl. Transport margins Trade margins:  CI,  CF,  GFCF  exports  incl Taxes / prod net of subsidies transport margins :  CI,  CF,  GFCF  exports

8 Exemple


10 sources of different operations in the balance 1- Evaluation of production  Production branch is extrapolated from the national survey of economic activity and informal sector.  This production is also broken down by product. construction of a production matrix

11 In Current Year: -In the current year only production sector is extrapolated. -Production product is obtained by projecting the matrix production of the base year

12 2-Evaluation of intermediate consumption (CI): In the base year: For each branch we value purchases of different products. the sum of these purchases give intermediate consumption of each branch construction of a matrix of inputs

13 The matrix of intermediate inputs has the inputs of branches (columns) broken down by product (online). For sector j intermediate consumption of product i is denoted by aij.

14 Other operations to determine the balance different sources are used: The foreign trade data to determine the value of import and export of various goods. Data from the balance of payments to determine the value of the import and export of services. Data from the government to determine all types of taxes and subsidies, the other to determine the final consumer public. We use the household survey to determine the value of final consumption Once it was determined all the balances of the products being developed for the supply and use table

15 Thank you


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