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Student Leadership Student Council Update Student Council Update.

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1 Student Leadership Student Council Update Student Council Update

2 Rationale for change from Prefectorial Board to Student Council: 1) For wider deployment of student leadership development. 2) Student Voice Dominates! At least 1 councillor from EVERY class. They will represent their class to help give feedback on school issues during student council meetings. (Act as a bridge between school management and student population.) Follow-up Action by Student Council: Student Leaders to identify school needs and choose an area to work on for the year (aligned to our VMV). Sub-committees to take charge of these projects. Hildan Student Council

3 Rationale for change from Prefectorial Board to Student Council: 3) More opportunities for Student-Initiated + Student-Led Activities. 4) CCA leaders are given greater responsibilities and recognition. They will: i) wear black shoes like the rest of the councillors + a name tag. They have equal authority as a councillor. ii) They will work in a sub-committee of their choice together with the rest of the councillors. iii) There are plans for them to help to look after the ISH / playground during the recesses. Hildan Student Council

4 Through the Student Council, the Student Leadership Committee works towards:   Equipping all our student leaders with 21 st Century Skills.   Providing platforms for student leaders to put these skills into practice.   Producing Confident, Articulate and Caring Ambassadors who lead with Integrity. Hildan Student Council

5 Student Council 2011   70 P2 Junior Leaders (PM)   86 P3 and P4 Junior Councillors (AM)   68 P5 and P6 Councillors (AM)   25 P5 and P6 Senior Councillors (AM)   5 Vice-Head Councillors   5 Head Councillors   25 CCA Leaders (+ 4 others who are existing Councillors) Hildan Student Council

6 Sub-Committees:   Student Well-being   Environment   Communications   Special Projects   Citizenship and Character Development Hildan Student Council

7   Definition: the degree to which a student is functioning effectively in the school community.  :  There are five substantive dimensions: 1. 1. Physical 2. Economic 3. Psychological 4. Cognitive 5. Social Student Well-Being

8   Citizenship - -National Education   Character Education - -Support the SEL / Character First Programme - -Help to impart School Values Citizenship & Character Education

9 Definition:  The act of communicating; transmission. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.  Interpersonal rapport. The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas.  The field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means, such as print or broadcasting. Any of various professions involved with the transmission of information, such as advertising, broadcasting, or journalism. Communications Source:

10 -As the name suggests, there are projects / events that the student council may take on. -Innovation approach -Based on school needs Special Projects Source:

11 Definition: - -The circumstances or conditions that surround one’s surroundings. - -Physical conditions / Social and Cultural conditions affecting the nature of an individual or community. Environment Source:

12 Vice-Head Councillors: Galen Ong (Student Well-being) Nicole Lee (Special Projects) Galen Ong (Student Well-being) Nicole Lee (Special Projects) James Howe Tabitha Sim Lisbeth Lok (Environment) (Citizenship & Character Development) (Communications) Hildan Student Council

13 P6 Head Councillor Candidates Jayden Wee (Student Well-being) Davidson (Citizenship & Character Development) Jayden Wee (Student Well-being) Davidson (Citizenship & Character Development) Natalia Nadila Anna Cheang Timothy Fong Natalia Nadila Anna Cheang Timothy Fong (Special Projects) (Environment) (Communications) (Special Projects) (Environment) (Communications) Hildan Student Council

14 Head Councillors and Vice Head Councillors (Expectations) Work well with one another and be a good role model to the rest of the councillors. They must be confident, articulate and caring and lead with integrity. Guide the other councillors to be better leaders. Work towards school improvement in their respective sub- committees. Hildan Student Council

15 Identification:  P2 Junior Leaders (Lanyard)  P3 & P4 Junior Councillors (Tie)  P5 & P6 Councillors (Tie)  P5 & P6 Senior Councillors (Tie)  Vice-Head Councillors + Head Councillors (Tie)  CCA Leaders (Lanyard + Name Tag) Hildan Student Council

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