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Ridgecrest Highly Capable Program Open House April 4, 2011.

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1 Ridgecrest Highly Capable Program Open House April 4, 2011

2 Meet the Ridgecrest Staff Kay Law - Second/Third Grade Alissa Miller - Third/Fourth Grade Liz Whitney - Fourth/Fifth Grade Leslie Lytle - Sixth Grade

3 Your Choice  We are the first to admit that this program may not be the best fit for everyone.  Individual families and students will make different choices about their needs and goals.

4 What We Understand Addressing the emotional and social needs of our students is a key element for us.

5 What Our Students Say  “I no longer have to have all the right answers. I can make a mistake and no one teases me.”  “I like the independence to learn about what interests me.”  “I like our conversations!”

6 Shoreline’s Highly Capable Mission Statement “ … to enable all students to achieve their full potential, the Elementary Highly Capable Program provides an academic setting that allows students to demonstrate…” A capacity to learn with unusual depth A capacity to deal with increasing levels of abstraction An ability to make unusual connections A capacity for intense concentration An ability to learn quickly Creative production of products Mastery of basic knowledge and skills contained in the district frameworks

7 Strategic Goals  Opportunities for interactions with intellectual and interest group peers  Acceleration through curriculum compacting  Training in critical thinking and research skills

8 Ridgecrest’s Philosophy We recognize that as learners, they need a different form of instruction. Many families have one child here and another child in another Shoreline school.

9 What We Believe Each child is unique and has special talents. As a community, we want to provide and atmosphere which nurtures each person’s gifts while offering new experiences.

10 In Practice  We work on developing time- management strategies and understanding our own work patterns.  We focus on quality over quantity.  We are a community involving students, parents, and teachers.

11 What Else?  We work on higher level thinking -- analysis, evaluation, or creation to develop depth of content.  We integrate key learnings across several content areas.  Students are involved in creating their own grading rubrics and expectations.

12 Transition to High-Cap  As with all school years, your children may hold themselves together at school and be exhausted and emotional by the time they arrive home.  Be aware that introverts will especially want their down time before engaging about school.

13 Academic Expectations  We offer a different set of expectations and recognize that students are going to come in missing some elements or key learnings.  And while we adults understand that, it can be difficult for young learners to discover suddenly they do not know all the answers.

14 Grade Configurations?  Student numbers drive our grade level combinations.  In making up class configurations, we consider male/female ratios, and move students who have been with same peers and/or teacher for a year or two.

15 And Curriculum?  We offer the core curriculum at a grade level above, enriched, expanded, or compacted.  We are particularly sensitive to achieving grade level standards before moving ahead.

16 Homework  Average of 10 minutes per grade level.  Effective use of class time equates with less homework.  Week-long, or longer-term, projects require time-management.  We do not believe in “busy-work.” Students need time to read, or take apart that old computer, or build a camp outside!

17 Just Another Way of Learning  We can’t stress enough that we offer different ways of teaching and learning in our program.

18 Integration of Hi-Cap with Other Classrooms  We interact with other students with in our building and work to integrate our students whenever possible.

19 Parents, Come on Over  Share your careers or hobbies.  Lead book groups, math groups, or offer project-specific assistance.  Spend time photocopying. (Sigh.)  Just coordinate with us before you come so we can respect your time.

20 Jump on IN!  We encourage families and students to participate in Ridgecrest’s many before and after-school opportunities.  PTA, Student Council, Chess Club, sports, Math Olympiad, Honor Choir… the list goes on.

21 The Fine Print We have information -- like Student Expectations, Academic Probation, and other resources on the Shoreline School District’s website under “Highly Capable” in the Documents Section.

22 Thank You  For coming over and meeting us in person.  For helping your children explore opportunities for learning.  For asking questions!

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