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“A World in Flames” Mrs. O’Neill World War II. “A War to End All Wars” “Everything for which America fought has been accomplished…the United States could.

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Presentation on theme: "“A World in Flames” Mrs. O’Neill World War II. “A War to End All Wars” “Everything for which America fought has been accomplished…the United States could."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A World in Flames” Mrs. O’Neill World War II

2 “A War to End All Wars” “Everything for which America fought has been accomplished…the United States could aid in the establishment of just democracy throughout the world…” Treaty of Versailles: Germany’s harsh terms- disarmament, war reparations $$$, loss of land=humiliation 1929 Stock Market crash in U.S. set off world-wide depression

3 A Weak League of Nations

4 WWII Governments Socialism- community ownership Communism- adds a single-party system of government Fascism: military government based on racism & nationalism with strong support from the business community

5 5 Individual rights are not viewed as important as the needs of the nation Totalitarianism Communist Dictatorship (USSR) Fascist Dictatorship (Germany, Italy, Spain) Military Dictatorship (Japan) Major Governments WWII

6 The Rise of Dictators 1919- Benito Mussolini founds Italy’s Fascist Party –Fascism-aggressive nationalism against Communism Il Duce “The Leader” Blackshirts

7 The Rise of Dictators 1917 Bolshevik Russian Revolution –Vladimir Lenin 1922 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1926 Joseph Stalin becomes new Soviet dictator

8 The Rise of Dictators Hirohito/Emperor Showa –Ruled from 1926-1989 Imports more then exports Attempted to take over Manchuria in Northern China to get resources and expand

9 The Rise of Dictators 1936 Spanish Civil War Backed by Spanish fascists, army officers, landowners, and Catholic Church leaders Francisco Franco USSR, Germany and Italy send tanks, airplanes, and soldiers

10 The Rise of Dictators National Socialist German Workers’ Party –Aka Nazi Party 1923 Nazis marched in Munich ---> Berlin but plan failed and Hitler was arrested Aryan Race in need of “lebensraum” Expansion east into Poland and Russia 1933 German president appointed Hitler as chancellor 1934 Hitler becomes President 1935 rebuilds Germany’s military in violation of Treaty of Versailles Fuhrer “The Leader”

11 Hitler provided scapegoats for Germany’s problems (foreigners, Jews, communists, Roma (Gypsies), mentally ill, homosexuals) 1923 - Wallpapering with German Deutchmarks Kristallnacht Nov. 1938- vandalism & destruction of Jewish property & synagogues. Jewish refuguee shot and killed German diplomat in Paris because Jewish people had been deported from Germany to Poland

12 The Austrian Anschluss, 1938 Policy of appeasement (concessions in exchange for peace) b/c of: 1.) WWI 2.) To unite German-speaking lands seemed reasonable 3.) Nazis would be interested in peace once they gained more territory

13 The “Problem” of the Sudetenland Democracy Diversity Allied w/ France and USSR

14 Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: 1939

15 The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 1939 Germany and USSR divide Poland in half

16 Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939 Sept. 3 rd, Britain and France declare war Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939 Sept. 3 rd, Britain and France declare war Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]

17 Blitzkrieg- “lightening war” large numbers of massed tanks to break through and rapidly encircle enemy positions September 27 th - Warsaw fell October 5 th - Polish army had been defeated

18 German Troops March into Warsaw

19 J4

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