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“Constitution” Review Game. Game Board Vocab Amendments Articles 3-7 Articles 1-2 Const. Principles 100 200 400 300 500 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "“Constitution” Review Game. Game Board Vocab Amendments Articles 3-7 Articles 1-2 Const. Principles 100 200 400 300 500 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Constitution” Review Game

2 Game Board Vocab Amendments Articles 3-7 Articles 1-2 Const. Principles 100 200 400 300 500 100 200 300 400 500

3 Vocabulary 100 Back to Game Board What is expost facto?

4 Vocabulary 200 States have the power to regulate licenses while the Federal Government makes Treaties. This is an example of what? Back to Game Board

5 Vocabulary 300 The original United States government prior to the adoption of the Constitution. Back to Game Board

6 Vocabulary 400 Impeach Back to Game Board

7 Vocabulary 500 Commander In Chief Back to Game Board

8 Constitution Principles 100 Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of articles in support of ratifying the Constitution known as… Back to Game Board

9 Constitution Principles 200 The Supremacy Clause is Article V of the Constitution. Back to Game Board

10 Constitution Principles 300 The President must have 270 votes from this group to be elected. Back to Game Board

11 Constitution Principles 400 Baron de Montesque said that to ensure liberty there must be separation of powers. Explain. Back to Game Board

12 Constitution Principles 500 Give an example of checks and balances for each branch Back to Game Board

13 Articles 1 and 2 100 Jimmy is running for a House of Representatives seat…we know Jimmy is at least ______ years old. Back to Game Board

14 Articles 1 and 2 200 The most powerful member of the House of Representatives. Back to Game Board

15 Articles 1 and 2 300 Main duty of the Legislative Branch Back to Game Board

16 Articles 1 and 2 400 The President’s staff, or advisors, are known as _________. Back to Game Board

17 Articles 1 and 2 500 Back to Game Board The President must give this speech to Congress every year.

18 Amendments 100 Barack Obama declares that all Americans must now worship Big Bird. Back to Game Board

19 Amendments 200 Mr. Joseph is on trial and is called to the witness stand. Back to Game Board

20 Amendments 300 Mrs. Liberato is on trial but cannot afford an attorney. Back to Game Board

21 Amendments 400 Mr. Elitzur is tried for stealing candy and is found to be innocent. Later they find all the candy in the trunk of his car. Back to Game Board

22 Amendments 500 The Police suspect Mrs. Staude has committed a crime. They search her home and car without her permission. Back to Game Board

23 Articles 3-7 100 A Federal Judge’s term. Back to Game Board

24 Articles 3-7 200 There are a total of ______ members of the Supreme Court. Back to Game Board

25 Articles 3-7 300 Article VII states how to ratify the Constitution. Back to Game Board

26 Articles 3-7 400 States must respect and accept laws and decisions from other states. Back to Game Board

27 Articles 3-7 500 This principle states that the Judicial Branch can decide whether decisions by the other branches are Constitutional. Back to Game Board

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