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Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Biological & Environmental Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Biological & Environmental Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Biological & Environmental Research Support for Structural Biology at Synchrotrons Presentation for the Protein Society July 26, 1999 Roland F. Hirsch

2 Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research M ISSION IN S TRUCTURAL M OLECULAR B IOLOGY OBER has for 50+ years been responsible for research on health effects of radiation—this research has become more and more oriented to molecular understanding of health effects OBER structural biology program serves as an interface between developers of major user facilities and the biomedical research community OBER is guided by formal and informal input from the structural biology community: Advisory committee reports BioSync reports Synchrotron user groups Professional society recommendations

3 Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research P ROGRAM A CTIVITIES D URING THE 1990S Funded new stations for structural biology at all DOE synchrotrons Funded laboratory/office space for structural biology users at all DOE synchrotrons Supported detector research leading to two commercially successful CCD designs (Princeton/Cornell and Argonne) for crystallography Upgraded computer systems at NSLS and SSRL for optimum management and transfer of large amounts of data by visiting scientists Increased funding of beamline operations from $1 million to $7 million annually

4 Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research C URRENT F UNDING OF S TRUCTURAL B IOLOGY Facility Development—$3 million* Facility Operation—$8 million Facility Equipment Upgrades—$1.5 million Instrumentation Research—$2 million Biological Research—$7 million Computational Structural Biology—$3.5 million Database Development and Operation—$1 million * Primarily neutron facility development in Fiscal Year 1999

5 Department of Energy—Office of Biological & Environmental Research P LANS FOR THE F UTURE Near term: Maintain full operating support for existing OBER beamlines at the four doe synchrotrons, in coordination with other agencies Provide adequate funding for equipment replacement/upgrading ($250,000/beamline/year) Sponsor research into next generation of detectors Long term : Develop additional beamlines as warranted by community needs Evaluate new technologies proposed by physics community for relevance to experimental structural molecular biology

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