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100 200 300 400 500 Game Board for Lesson1 DOL Unscramble the Word100.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 Game Board for Lesson1

3 DOL Unscramble the Word100

4 YHPAP Unscramble the Word200

5 frominu Unscramble the Word300

6 REWA Unscramble the Word400

7 Who Am I 500 It’s a clothing Elementary students don’t need me. But middle school students need me. Sports players usually need me.

8 Answer my question

9 Writing 100 너는 한국말 하니 ?

10 Writing 200 수업시간이야.

11 Writing 300 난 너를 만나 기뻐

12 Writing 400 난 중학생이 되어 행복 해

13 Writing 500 중학교는 초등하교와 달라.

14 Grammar 100 다음 중 be 동사의 사용이 틀린 것은 ? 1. I am a cook 2. This is my friend, Jane. 3. My teacher is handsome. 4. My mom and dad is very happy.

15 Grammar 200 괄호 안에 들어갈 단어는 ? I’m happy _______ be a middle school student.

16 Grammar 300 밑줄 친 것 중 틀린 것을 고르세요 ? In middle school I wear an uniform.

17 Grammar 400 다음 두 빈칸에 들어 갈 공통된 단어 ( 전치 사 ) 는 ? 1. I’m ________ America 2. Middle school is different _____ elementary school.

18 Grammar 500 다음 중 틀린 표현을 고르세요 ? 1. Do you speak Korean? 2. I’m happy to meet you,too. 3. She’s a new student from America. 4. I’m 13 years old. 5. I’m exciting today.

19 Listening 100 숫자와 발음이 잘 못 연결된 것은 ? 1. 13 2. 14 3. 16 4. 12 5. 19

20 Listening 200 What is the right answer to the question? 1. I’m happy to meet you too. 2. Do you speak Korean? 3. Really? 4. How are you?

21 Listening 300 Listen to the dialogue. Who is from America? 1. Paul 2. Kate

22 Listening 400 Listen to the Dialogue. What is wrong about Jim-in?

23 Listening 500 이어질 응답으로 알맞은 것은 ? 1. I am in the first year. 2. I am 13 years old. 3. I am from America. 4. I am Kim Min-su

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