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CHROMATIC TRAILBLAZER 25 th November, 2008 University of Florida, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Intelligent Machine Design Lab (EEL.

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Presentation on theme: "CHROMATIC TRAILBLAZER 25 th November, 2008 University of Florida, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Intelligent Machine Design Lab (EEL."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHROMATIC TRAILBLAZER 25 th November, 2008 University of Florida, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Intelligent Machine Design Lab (EEL 5666) ‏ Presented by: Vivek Anand ECE Department

2 A Quick Overview  Autonomous robot  Object Tracking Robot  Maintains a fixed distance from object  Avoids obstacles in way  Integrates Image Processing & Machine Intelligence


4 ACTUATION  2-Wheeled Drive  DC Motors are used for powering the rear wheels  System also involves the motor driver and opto- isolator set  2 castor wheels in front for support.


6 OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE  Ultrasonic Sensors – SRF05  2 Sonars are used  Calibrated for keeping a safe distance from any object.


8 OBJECT TRACKING  Video Capture  Object Tracking Program  Transfer of Location

9 VIDEO CAPTURE  Wireless Camera  Wireless Receiver  AV USB Adapter




13 OBJECT TRACKING PROGRAM  Uses the concept of kernel tracking.  Written in C program with the use of Open CV libraries.  Displays the video received from the capture device.  Takes input from the user for the object to be tracked.

14 TRANSFER OF LOCATION  Bluetooth System  Object tracking program writes the location on the COM port where bluetooth usb is connected.  Bluetooth module connected serially to the Atmega board receives the data.

15 THANK YOU !!!

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