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Business Operations Research Event 2013 Guidelines and Procedures.

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2 Business Operations Research Event 2013 Guidelines and Procedures

3 Business Operations Research Events b Business Services b Buying and Merchandising b Finance b Hospitality and Tourism b Sports and Entertainment Marketing

4 Financial Services Includes: b Fee or contract services b Consumer services b Financial services

5 Business Services Marketing and management functions not mentioned in the other four categories

6 Hospitality and Tourism Marketing b Primarily productive or enjoyable use of leisure time b Lodging services b Convention services b Food and beverage b Entertainment, sports, hobbies, cultural activities

7 Sports and Entertainment Marketing Includes: b Sports stores b Entertainment complexes b Sports centres b Athletic teams

8 Topic Definitions b Proposed Website changes campaign b Customer profile b Description of the community b Psychographics

9 Topic for the Year 2013 The research of an existing business’s website, products, and services and the development of a strategic plan based on the results of the research conducted. The strategic plan will attempt to provide new and exciting ways to restructure, change and update that business’s website to create a wider audience and/or generate more customers.

10 Objectives b Conduct market research b Analyze its operations to identify one to three ways in which the organization can improve its existing website b Prepare and present findings and proposed campaign to business owner/manager

11 Participants must: b Select actual business b Design customer profile b Conduct research b Prepare customer profile b Prepare Website campaign b Role-play: Design of study Findings and conclusions Website campaign

12 Event Involves: b Research b Writing b Role-playing b Team based

13 Competencies Developed b Communications b Analytical skills b Production b Teamwork b Priorities/time management b Identification of competitive conditions b Critical thinking/problem solving

14 Participants should: b Read all guidelines thoroughly b Read the event handbook b Set up and work closely with an advisory committee b Set and meet deadlines b Carefully examine rating sheets

15 Information needed b Guidelines for events ~ page 76 of DECA Guide ~ page 76 of DECA Guide b DECA Manuals b Dress Code for ICDC b Statement of Assurances b Advisory committee b Research guidelines

16 Earn a trip to the International Career Development Conference! b Win at the provincial level b Compete against other winners at the international level b Enjoy Atlanta, Georgia! b Meet new friends from all over the US, Mexico, Korea, Dubai and Germany

17 Will YOU be there? Answer: It’s Up To YOU!

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