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Change Management: Meeting Users' Requirements and Managing Expectations Ross MacIntyre, MIMAS Service Manager, Manchester Computing, The University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Change Management: Meeting Users' Requirements and Managing Expectations Ross MacIntyre, MIMAS Service Manager, Manchester Computing, The University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change Management: Meeting Users' Requirements and Managing Expectations Ross MacIntyre, MIMAS Service Manager, Manchester Computing, The University of Manchester

2 Manchester Computing


4 Announcement May 1999 Update on ISI and the UK HE community 24 May 1999 Update on Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) Web of Science® and the UK Higher Education Community: Important Announcement for all UKHE students, staff, libraries, and information services New Information Service The ISI service, which is currently hosted by BIDS at the University of Bath is the most successful and longest running of the subscription data services offered by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). ISI is used extensively throughout the UK Higher Education community in both research and teaching. The service has been operational for eight years and the current contract expires in March 2000. CHEST has negotiated renewal of the contract with ISI, on behalf of JISC, resulting in an offer for ISI's new "Web of Science" service. New Service Provider As ISI Web of Science is a completely new information service requiring a different hardware platform and different support from the service provider serving the information to UK higher education institutions, JISC followed its normal policy of going to tender for service provision. The successful bid came from MIMAS at Manchester Computing, University of Manchester who will host the ISI Web of Science service. The service will be provided by a close collaborative partnership of MIMAS, the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (JRULM), and the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Library.

5 Implementation  New service to run from Sept 1999–Aug 2005  Previous service to terminate 31 st July 2000  Double concurrent user capacity by Sept 2000  Subject experts develop support material  Professional trainers develop and deliver training  Dedicated Helpdesk with automated query handling  Agreed 2 nd level support arrangements, esp. Thomson

6 Training & Support  Qualified Trainers used from Libraries  Service Manager attended each course  Online & Pre-printed materials - Presentations, Workbooks, User Guides and Promotional Material

7 "cause no harm and be wholly truthful in public pronouncements"  Involve those with the best knowledge - local support staff from institutions & user group representatives - from the start  Formally test the training - test-run training sessions, gather & act upon feedback  Train the trainers appropriately – content, location & timing  Offer specific transition arrangements – documentation, mock-ups, demonstration, familiarisation, overlap  Inform all involved in ‘supply chain’ x 6 – ‘what&when’,‘coming soon’,[reminder],imminent change!,implemented!!,[reminder]  Work with supplier for mutual benefit

8 Characterise Transition Approach

9 WoSEC  ‘ISI Web of Science Enhancement Committee’  Members: Supplier (Thomson Scientific US & UK), Service Provider (MIMAS), Funding Body (JISC), Negotiating Agent (CHEST) and User Group (JIBS).  Meets Twice per Year  *ALL* UK User feedback classified, compiled & prioritised by Service Provider  Joint report prepared by Service Provider & User Group  User Group maintain ‘Wish List’ of specific enhancements  Affected Thomson Scientific’s product development

10 Positive Feedback F “From: “XXXXXX" F To: F F Dear Norma, F F Thank you for your kind and prompt reply. F F As feedback is always when something goes wrong, I thought I should also take the opportunity to praise the service. I have been using WOS for about 6 years at least on a weekly basis and am really satisfied with its overall performance. I think it is a great tool for researchers, and even better now that it includes earlier references! The day it will include referencing to academic books as well, I will probably not use any other platform! F F Kind regards, F F XXXXXX” F “From: XXXXXXXX F Email: F Department: xyz F Institution: King's College, London F Remarks: F Now that I'm getting the hang of WOK and EndNote, I realise that my life would be totally meaningless without WOK. I would have to throw in the towel and revert to a life of ironing and failed baking. F Hurrah for WOK!”

11 Thank you! Ross MacIntyre, MIMAS Service Manager Manchester Computing The University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL, U.K. Email: Web:

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