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Chinese ProfeLL 3 – Working towards Sustainability (or managed interdependence) in Chinese Professional learning intended outcomes: We will differentiate.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese ProfeLL 3 – Working towards Sustainability (or managed interdependence) in Chinese Professional learning intended outcomes: We will differentiate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese ProfeLL 3 – Working towards Sustainability (or managed interdependence) in Chinese Professional learning intended outcomes: We will differentiate to cater for individual needs: Workshop aspects of selected units in H ă o by focusing on: – language acquisition and use from units 6 + 17, (Principles 1 + 6 + 7 + 8) – context – weather and family

2 Chinese ProfeLL 3 – Working towards Sustainibility (or managed interdependence) in Chinese Professional learning intended outcomes cont: – revisit language methodologies for input (p 6 e.g. PPP, IRDPX, Oral Choral, Sandwich etc) – Raise awareness of intercultural communicative language teaching and learning (iCLT) – Continue to implement NZC and second tier guidelines (ChiNZC + tki and TAAM) – Continue to integrate ICT tools for e-learning

3 Discuss assessment package in H ă o and x- reference with NZC levels 1 +2 and Level two in Chinese in the New Zealand Curriculum. Interact with relevant websites, software, DVDs, videos and song and discuss their application to second language learning and culture NZC and websites:

4 Share stories Reflect on own learning and set personal and school goals for term 4 and 2011+

5 Ellis’ principle 6 – input An input methodology: IRDPX I input R recognition D discrimination P production X extension

6 Ellis’ principle 6 – input An input methodology: oral choral Pattern of interaction teaching Q + A: Teacher class Class teacher ½ class ½ class Pair class sharing Pingponging to teacher Looping - personalised context

7 Ellis’ principles 6,7 – input, output Methodology: PPP (not in grammatical sense) P presentation (input) P PRACTICE P production

8 Ellis’ principles 1,6,7 – formulaic language, input, output Sandwich methodology: Target Language presentation (input) English (first language) for comprehensibility Target Language reinforcement

9 Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session we are going to learn in Chinese: to ask and answer abut the weather think about the differences between northern and southern hemispheres (iCLT) We are going to learn about [a festival] in China (iCLT) and think about what is the same and what is different in NZ / for people in our classroom.

10 Why would we want to learn this? The weather happens every day... Talking about the weather is authentic interaction. It is an English and NZ cultural habit. Is it a Chinese cultural habit? “The weather is a universally neutral topic..”

11 Success criteria: (How will you know you have been successful today?) Listening: you will be able to point to the weather cards when you hear the answers Speaking: you will be able to ask and answer correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: you will be able to understand the weather words in questions and answers used in the activities, and read them (say out loud) correctly.

12 Success criteria: (What will you be able to do and how well? Split screening: When you have a dual purpose for your learning intentions e.g. LL and KCs / habits of mind… Thinking : Relating to others:

13 Do Now: Listen, follow my instructions. Listen actively and repeat the Chinese you will hear as exactly as you can. Qĭng tīng, qĭng shuō!

14 Jĭntiān tiānqi zĕnmeyàng? Jĭntiān…

15 Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session we are going to learn in Chinese: Some words to name family members to ask and answer about family members’ names Why would we want to do this?

16 Authentic context for interaction (Ellis 8) Engages learners in genuine social interaction (iCLT 2) Participating (KC) Relating to others (KC)

17 Success criteria : (What will you be able to do and how well?) Listening: You will be able to identify different members of the family when you hear the words. Speaking: You will be able to speak correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: You will be able to read the words and sentences used in the activities, and read them (say out loud) correctly.

18 Do Now: Listen, follow my instructions. Listen actively and say the Chinese you will hear as exactly as you can. Qĭng tīng, qĭng shuō!

19 2010

20 Chinese ProfeLL 3 – 2010 Working towards Sustainability (or managed interdependence) in Chinese Professional learning intended outcomes: We will differentiate to cater for individual needs: Workshop aspects of selected units in H ă o by focusing on: – language acquisition and use from units 15, + 17, (Principles 1 + 6 + 7 + 8) – context – weather, revising colours and describing our faces

21 Learning Intention (Specific Learning Outcome = SLO) In this session we are going to learn in Chinese: the names of some face parts to begin to describe ourselves and others Why would we want to do this?

22 Authentic context for interaction (Ellis 8) Engages learners in genuine social interaction (iCLT 2) Participating (KC) Relating to others (KC)

23 Success criteria : (What will you be able to do and how well?) Listening: You will be able to indentify different parts of the face when you hear the words and begin to describe your face. Speaking: You will be able to speak correctly and off by heart Reading for Recognition: You will be able to read the words and sentences used in the activities, and read them (say out loud) correctly.

24 Do Now: Listen, follow my instructions. Listen actively and sing the Chinese you will hear as exactly as you can.


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