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Krishi Karman Award 2012-13 Agriculture Department Odisha.

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1 Krishi Karman Award 2012-13 Agriculture Department Odisha

2 Food Grain Production Odisha achieved highest ever production and productivity in Rice and foodgrains in 2012-13. Production in million tonnes Productivity of rice in kg/ha (2007-08) (2012-13

3 Foodgrain production trends A- in 000’ ha, Y- yield in kg/ha, P-production in 000’MT

4 Procurement of Paddy Year Quantity Procured in MT 2007-0874, 435 2008-0944, 32, 092 2009-1039, 77, 261 2010-1136, 95, 087 2011-1231, 20, 557 2012-1354, 17, 029

5 Strategies adopted for higher Foodgrain Production Enhanced investment in Agriculture. Enhanced SRR by distribution of 6.86 lakh qtl. of quality seeds. Establishment of 14, 719 PLIPs brought additional 30, 000 hectares under assured irrigation. Incentivising adoption of line sowing and line transplanting. Technology demonstrations in different food grain crops. Capacity building of farmers and extension functionaries. Ensuring timely input supply and their management. Higher balanced use of fertilisers. E-pest surveillance and need based plant protection measures. Large scale farm mechanisation through simplified IT enabled system and increased subsidy. Creating awareness among farmers and rewarding them for outstanding performance.

6 New innovations/ initiatives adopted A comprehensive Agriculture Policy conferring agriculture status of industry. Exclusive budget for Agriculture sector. Promotion of improved, HYV and hybrid varieties, enhancing SRR of rice (from 12.04 in 2007-08 to 22.15 during 2012-13). Registering 897 farmers’ crop varieties & establishment of a Gene Bank to preserve invaluable germplasms for future use. Promotion of SRI and massive seed treatment Campaign. Management of Acid Soils, mapping of secondary plant nutrients and hosting soil nutrient status database in the web. Incentivising line sowing and line transplanting. Community threshing floors facilitating post harvest management. Establishment of FIAC in every block. Greater emphasis and assistance for agriculture mechanisation. On- line fund management and Farmers health insurance.

7 FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF NFSM, BGREI & INSIMP 2012-13 Rs. in lakh Scheme Approved allocation by GOI Funds Received Final Expenditure Unspent % of Expen diture NFSM (Including A3P) 7597.346584.596472.575112.0198.3 RKVY –SUB-SCHEMES BGREI21725.00 21430.76294.2499 INSIMP245.00 212.4032.6087

8 ONLINE UPDATING OF DATA UNDER NFSM 1.From 2012-13 Fund Management of all NFSM sub-schemes are monitored online through NIC software. All the NFSM districts are provided with user ID and password. 2.Actual physical and financial position of each and every item of NFSM scheme are monitored at state level. 3.Monthly and quarterly progress report page of NFSM website ( is updated at state and district level.

9 Efforts for ensuring effective co-ordination with related departments Weekly “Crop-Weather watch meeting” under chairmanship of Agriculture Production Commissioner. (Meteorology, Crop Condition, Seeds, Fertilisers, Irrigation, Co-operation etc) Task force meeting under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary. (Crop situation, Seeds, Fertilisers, Irrigation, Co-operation etc) State Level Banker Committee meeting at regular intervals. (credit and finance) State Level Secretaries Meeting under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary. Collectors conference at Revenue Divisional Commissioner level. District level Strategy Committee Meeting. District Level Coordination Committee Meeting

10 Lessons Learnt SRI - enhanced rice production and water productivity. Line sowing and line transplanting. e-pest surveillance. Community bore well - increase of cropping Intensity. Farm mechanisation. Soil amelioration through PMS. Use of plastic drum seeder. Formation of CIGs /FIGs. Increased use of ICT Rewarding farmers FIACs in every block has made the extension delivery mechanism more effective.

11 Road Map for achieving Higher Production Enhancing SRR and increasing coverage under HYV and Hybrids. Increasing fertiliser consumption ( presently 60 kg/ha). Promoting sustainable agriculture through INM, IPM, Organic Farming and Integrated Farming System. Ensuring timely supply of critical inputs and quality control. Continued amelioratory measures for Acid Soils. Promotion of SRI and special packages on crop production. Enhancing irrigation potential and promoting PIM. Farm mechanisation by extending additional subsidy. Adequate crop loan & crop insurance. Emphasis on rainfed agriculture. Development and strengthening infrastructure. Capacity building of farmers and extension functionaries. Promoting use of ICT in agriculture.


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