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Splash Screen. Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 1–5) Then/Now New Vocabulary Key Concept: “And” Compound Inequalities Example 1:Solve an “And”

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Presentation on theme: "Splash Screen. Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 1–5) Then/Now New Vocabulary Key Concept: “And” Compound Inequalities Example 1:Solve an “And”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Splash Screen

2 Lesson Menu Five-Minute Check (over Lesson 1–5) Then/Now New Vocabulary Key Concept: “And” Compound Inequalities Example 1:Solve an “And” Compound Inequality Key Concept: “Or” Compound Inequalities Example 2:Solve an “Or” Compound Inequality Example 3:Solve Absolute Value Inequalities Key Concept: Absolute Value Inequalities Example 4:Solve a Multi-Step Absolute Value Inequality Example 5:Write and Solve an Absolute Value Inequality

3 Over Lesson 1–6 A.A B.B C.C D.D 5-Minute Check 1 Solve the inequality 3x + 7 > 22. Graph the solution set on a number line. A.{x | x > 5} B.{x | x < 5} C.{x | x > 6} D.{x | x < 6}

4 Over Lesson 1–6 A.A B.B C.C D.D 5-Minute Check 2 Solve the inequality 3(3w + 1) ≥ 4.8. Graph the solution set on a number line. A.{w | w ≤ 0.2} B.{w | w ≥ 0.2} C.{w | w ≥ 0.6} D.{w | w ≤ 0.6}

5 Over Lesson 1–6 A.A B.B C.C D.D 5-Minute Check 3 Solve the inequality 7 + 3y > 4(y + 2). Graph the solution set on a number line. A.{y | y > 1} B.{y | y < 1} C.{y | y > –1} D.{y | y < –1}

6 Over Lesson 1–6 Solve the inequality. Graph the solution set on a number line. A.A B.B C.C D.D 5-Minute Check 4 A.{w | w ≤ –9} B.{w | w ≥ –9} C.{w | w ≤ –3} D.{w | w ≥ –3}

7 Over Lesson 1–6 A.A B.B 5-Minute Check 5 A.yes A company wants to make at least $255,000 profit this year. By September, the company made $127,500 in profit. The company plans to earn, on average, $15,000 each week in profit. Will the company reach its goal by the end of the year?

8 Then/Now You solved one-step and multi-step inequalities. (Lesson 1–5) Solve compound inequalities. Solve absolute value inequalities.

9 Vocabulary compound inequality intersection union

10 Concept

11 Example 1 Solve an “And” Compound Inequality Solve 10  3y – 2 < 19. Graph the solution set on a number line. Method 1Solve separately. Write the compound inequality using the word and. Then solve each inequality. 10  3y – 2and3y – 2 < 19 12  3y3y < 21 4  y y < 7 4  y < 7

12 Example 1 Solve an “And” Compound Inequality Method 2Solve both together. Solve both parts at the same time by adding 2 to each part. Then divide each part by 3. 10  3y – 2< 19 12  3y< 21 4  y< 7

13 Example 1 Solve an “And” Compound Inequality Graph the solution set for each inequality and find their intersection. y  4 y < 7 4  y < 7

14 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 1 What is the solution to 11  2x + 5 < 17? A. B. C. D.

15 Concept

16 Example 2 Solve an “Or” Compound Inequality Solve x + 3 < 2 or –x  –4. Graph the solution set on a number line. Answer: The solution set is  x | x < –1 or x  4 . x < –1 x  4 x < –1 or x  4 Solve each inequality separately. –x  –4 or x + 3<2 x<–1 x4x4

17 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 2 What is the solution to x + 5 < 1 or –2x  –6? Graph the solution set on a number line. A. B. C. D.

18 Example 3 Solve Absolute Value Inequalities A. Solve 2 > |d|. Graph the solution set on a number line. 2 > |d| means that the distance between d and 0 on a number line is less than 2 units. To make 2 > |d| true, you must substitute numbers for d that are fewer than 2 units from 0. Answer: The solution set is  d | –2 < d < 2 . All of the numbers between –2 and 2 are less than 2 units from 0. Notice that the graph of 2 > |d| is the same as the graph of d > –2 and d < 2.

19 Example 3 Solve Absolute Value Inequalities B. Solve 3 < |d|. Graph the solution set on a number line. 3 < |d| means that the distance between d and 0 on a number line is greater than 3 units. To make 3 < |d| true, you must substitute values for d that are greater than 3 units from 0. Answer: The solution set is  d | d 3 . All of the numbers not between –3 and 3 are greater than 3 units from 0. Notice that the graph of 3 3.

20 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 3a A. What is the solution to |x| > 5? A. B. C. D.

21 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 3b B. What is the solution to |x| < 5? A.{x | x > 5 or x < –5} B.{x | –5 < x < 5} C.{x | x < 5} D.{x | x > –5}

22 Concept

23 Example 4 Solve a Multi-Step Absolute Value Inequality Solve |2x – 2|  4. Graph the solution set on a number line. |2x – 2|  4 is equivalent to 2x – 2  4 or 2x – 2  –4. Solve the inequality. 2x – 2  4or2x – 2  –4 2x  62x  –2 x  3x  –1 Answer: The solution set is  x | x  –1 or x  3 .

24 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 4 What is the solution to |3x – 3| > 9? Graph the solution set on a number line. A. B. C. D.

25 Example 5 Write and Solve an Absolute Value Inequality A. JOB HUNTING To prepare for a job interview, Hinda researches the position’s requirements and pay. She discovers that the average starting salary for the position is $38,500, but her actual starting salary could differ from the average by as much as $2450. Write an absolute value inequality to describe this situation. Let x = the actual starting salary. Answer:|38,500 – x|  2450 The starting salary can differ from the average by as much as$2450. |38,500 – x|  2450

26 Example 5 Write and Solve an Absolute Value Inequality B. JOB HUNTING To prepare for a job interview, Hinda researches the position’s requirements and pay. She discovers that the average starting salary for the position is $38,500, but her actual starting salary could differ from the average by as much as $2450. Solve the inequality to find the range of Hinda’s starting salary. Rewrite the absolute value inequality as a compound inequality. Then solve for x. –2450  38,500 – x  2450 –2450 – 38,500  –x  2450 – 38,500 –40,950  –x  –36,050 40,950  x  36,050

27 Example 5 Write and Solve an Absolute Value Inequality Answer: The solution set is  x | 36,050  x  40,950 . Hinda’s starting salary will fall within $36,050 and $40,950.

28 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 5a A.|4.5 – w|  7 B.|w – 4.5|  7 C.|w – 7|  4.5 D.|7 – w|  4.5 A. HEALTH The average birth weight of a newborn baby is 7 pounds. However, this weight can vary by as much as 4.5 pounds. What is an absolute value inequality to describe this situation?

29 A.A B.B C.C D.D Example 5b A.{w | w ≤ 11.5} B.{w | w ≥ 2.5} C.{w | 2.5 ≤ w ≤ 11.5} D.{w | 4.5 ≤ w ≤ 7} B. HEALTH The average birth weight of a newborn baby is 7 pounds. However, this weight can vary by as much as 4.5 pounds. What is the range of birth weights for newborn babies?

30 End of the Lesson

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