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Integers and Absolute Value

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Presentation on theme: "Integers and Absolute Value"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integers and Absolute Value
Lesson 2-1 Integers and Absolute Value

2 I Can… Compare and order integers
Find the absolute value of an expression

3 Compare and Order Integers
Integers can be represented as points on a number line. Negative numbers like -8, positive numbers like +6, and zero are members of the set of integers.

4 Example 1: Write Integers for Real-World Situations
32 feet underground 500 feet below sea level A temperature increase of 12°F

5 Ordering Integers The numbers on a number line increase as you move from left to right. This can help you determine which of two numbers is greater. INCREASING

6 Ordering Integers -4 < 2 2 > -4 Words -4 is less than 2
2 is greater than -4 Symbols -4 < 2 2 > -4 OR

7 Example 2: Compare 2 Integers
Use the integers graphed on the number line below. Write two inequalities involving -3 and 4. Replace the ____ with < or > in -5 ___ -1 to make it true.

8 Example 3: Order Integers
The top ten fourth round scores of the 2003 LPGA Championship tournament were 0, +1, -4, -2, -1, +4, +2, +3, +5, and -3. Order the scores from LEAST to GREATEST. Graph each integer on a number line Write the numbers as they appear from left to right.

9 Absolute Value Words The absolute value of a number is the distance the number is from zero on the number line. The absolute value of a number is always greater than zero Examples I 5 I = 5 and I -5 I = 5

10 Example 4: Expressions with Absolute Value
Evaluate the expression. I -4 I – I 3 I

11 Example 5: Algebraic Expression with Absolute Value
Evaluate I x I – 3 if x=-5


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