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Community Service Tori Ricker. What is Service-Learning? Service Learning is a way of teaching, learning, and reflecting that combines classroom learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Service Tori Ricker. What is Service-Learning? Service Learning is a way of teaching, learning, and reflecting that combines classroom learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Service Tori Ricker

2 What is Service-Learning? Service Learning is a way of teaching, learning, and reflecting that combines classroom learning with service to the community that is both meaningful and worthwhile.

3 What are the Benefits of Service-Learning? Increases retention Provides quality education Increases the relevancy of education to students “living in the real world.” Enhances personalized education for students. Teaches positive values, citizenship, and personal responsibility. Empowers students as learners, teachers, achievers, and leaders. Invites students to become members of their own community. Teaches job skills and prepares students for life after college. Encourages faculty to be innovative and creative in their teaching. Contributes to a university’s outreach efforts to the local community, the state, and beyond. Increases campus-community collaboration and partnerships. Helps with community education. Contributes thousands of hours of service to people in need, non-profit agencies, private sector companies, non-governmental and governmental agencies. CITATION: Keys to Success textbook.

4 What Does Service-Learning Mean to Me? I feel that service learning is different than just community service, because we just don’t volunteer, we know why it’s important. I love helping out the community in any way possible, and it feels good to be helpful to people.

5 My Community Service Accomplishments Doug Henderson Memorial Golf Tournament/Auction - I was able to get Target to donate an item to this great cause Valdosta Symphony Orchestra -I made sure that all of the members of VSO knew where they were going and we helped prepare a breakfast for them during their rehearsal. Valdosta State University Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Concert. -I helped set up the chairs for both bands, handed out programs, ushered viewers to their seats, and cleaned up after the concert.

6 VSU Blood Drive-The American Red Cross – Helped run the VSU blood drive. Registered participants, gave them cookies, and made sure everything is running smoothly. I was also the head of advertisement and publicity for the blood drive. I also donated blood.

7 VSU Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Concert Setting up chairs for the bands.

8 VSU Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Concert Smiling for a picture after successfully setting up the concert band set up for the bands.

9 Valdosta Symphony Orchestra Breakfast Waiting to serve members of the VSO while they are rehearsing.

10 Valdosta Symphony Orchestra Breakfast Waiting patiently for the members of VSO after setting up the breakfast.

11 Blood Drive Meeting In a meeting finding out more information and planning for the blood drive.

12 What I Learned I learned that community service is not worthwhile for the sole purpose of helping the community, but I learned a lot from it as well. It is a great thing to help out others, and it also helps me learn how to manage my time around things such as service projects. This will help me as I go into adult life.

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