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 Science has a standard way to test an idea  Cause and effect  What does that means?  That everything that happens in this world is because of the.

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Presentation on theme: " Science has a standard way to test an idea  Cause and effect  What does that means?  That everything that happens in this world is because of the."— Presentation transcript:

1  Science has a standard way to test an idea  Cause and effect  What does that means?  That everything that happens in this world is because of the action of something else  Try some examples  So when you test something you can only change one variable at a time

2  Variables: these are usually parts or factors of an experiment that can change and be measured.  There are 3 kinds  Dependent: this is the outcome of the change  Independent: this is what the scientist changes  Controlled: this makes sure everything else stays the same each time you test something

3  Generate an idea to test (make sure it is testable)  Think about all the things involved with this idea  This leads to the hypothesis  If………then….because statement  Then think about how to actually test the theory  Generate a list that explains what to do  This is the method

4  Then it is time to collect Data!  You should know what you are test before the experiment is done  This is called the Results  After you have all the results you must look and analyze the data using your knowledge of the subject  This is the Analysis

5  Finally using the Data explain whether or not the hypothesis is correct, use information you have gathered in your background to justify your answer  This is the discussion  Finally write 1-2 sentence summerising the results  This is the conclusion

6  Lastly  All of the lab and lab report must be written in Passive voice  That means no pronouns!!!

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