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CITATION / BIBLIOGRAPHY Moazzam Ali. CITATION DEFINED  A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source (not always the original source)

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2 CITATION DEFINED  A citation is a reference to a published or unpublished source (not always the original source)  A bibliographic citation is a reference to a book, article, web page, or other published item  Citations should supply sufficient detail to identify the item uniquely  Different citation systems and styles are used in scientific citation, legal citation, prior art, and the arts and the humanities

3 BIBLIOGRAPHY DEFINED  Bibliography (from Greek bibliographia, literally "book writing"), is the academic study of books  A bibliography is a systematic list of books and other works such as journal articles  Bibliographies range from "works cited" lists at the end of books and articles to complete, independent publications  As separate works, they may be in bound volumes such as those shown on the right, or computerized bibliographic databases  A library catalog is bibliographic in nature

4 BIBLIOGRAPHY DEFINED  Bibliographic works differ in the amount of detail depending on the purpose, and can be generally divided into two categories:  ENUMERATIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY - which results in an overview of publications in a particular category  ANALYTICAL OR CRITICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY - which studies the production of books

5 BIBLIOGRAPHY DEFINED  In earlier times, bibliography mostly focused on books. Now, both categories of bibliography cover works in other formats including recordings, motion pictures and videos, graphic objects, databases, CD-ROMs and websites

6 HOW TO WRITE CITATION?  Citation for an article from an electronic source should include these important elements: Author (if given) Article title Date of publication Database Name Date of access  Citation for a book should include these important elements: Author (s) or Editor (s) Title of the book Place of publication: Publisher Date of publication

7 HOW TO WRITE CITATION?  Citation for an electronic book should include these important elements: Author or Editor Title of the book Place of publication Publisher Date of publication Address of the site Date you accessed it  Citation for a short story should include these important elements: Author Title of the short story Title of the anthology Editor of the anthology Publisher and city Page on which the story begins

8 HOW TO WRITE CITATION?  Citation for an article from an encyclopedia should include these important elements: Author (if given) Title of article Title of the encyclopedia Volume number Page number Date of publication  Citation for an article from an online encyclopedia should include these important elements: Author (if given) Title of article Title of the encyclopedia Date published on the web Publisher Date you accessed the material URL

9 HOW TO WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY?  One author  Last name, First name. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright date.  Editor instead of author  Last name, First name., ed. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright date.  Two or more authors  Last name, First name, and First name Last Name. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright date.  Dictionaries  "Word looked up." Title of dictionary. copyright date.

10 HOW TO WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY? Encyclopedias  Signed Encyclopedia Entry  Last name, First name. "Title of Encyclopedia entry." Title of Encyclopedia. date edited., volume number., page.  Unsigned Encyclopedia Entry  "Title of Encyclopedia entry." Title of Encyclopedia. date edited., volume number., page.

11 HOW TO WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY? Interviews  Telephone Interview  Last name of person interviewed, First name. Telephone Interview. Date of interview.  Personal Interview  Last name of person interviewed, First name. Personal Interview. Date of interview.  Internet Interview  Last name of person interviewed, First name. Internet interview. Date of interview.

12 HOW TO WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY? Newspapers  Unsigned Article  "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper Date of newspaper: page number.  Signed Article  Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper. Date of newspaper: page number.

13 HOW TO WRITE BIBLIOGRAPHY? Internet  Database (like Inspire)  "Title of Article." Magazine Title volume issue (day month year): Database Used.  "Title of Article." Magazine Title volume issue (day month year): Database Used.  Signed Websites  Last name, First name. "Website Title." Available at: complete internet address. date accessed.  Unsigned Websites  "Website Title." Available at: complete internet address. date accessed.

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