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What is plant pathology?

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Presentation on theme: "What is plant pathology?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is plant pathology?
It is the scientific study of plant diseases caused by pathogens (infectious organisms) and environmental conditions (physiological factors.

2 Standard:

3 Some of the factors that can cause plant disorders:
Insects Weeds Pathogen (disease) Nutrient deficiencies

4 Aphids

5 Bagworms

6 borers

7 grubs

8 Leaf miners

9 Mealy bug

10 scale

11 Whiteflies

12 Spider mite

13 Japanese Beetle

14 Beneficial Insect

15 Lady Bug

16 Preying Mantis

17 Lace-wing

18 Plant Fungus

19 Black Spot

20 Powdery Mildew

21 Root Rot Disease

22 Sooty Mold

23 Wilt

24 Nitrogen Deficiency

25 Insecticide

26 Backpack Sprayer

27 Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet

28 Disposable chemical suit

29 Herbicide

30 Round-up

31 Hairy bittercrest

32 dandelion

33 White clover

34 Wild garlic

35 Annual bluegrass

36 Integrated Pest Management

37 Controlled burn

38 fertilizer

39 Life cycle of a plant disease (root rot)

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