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Presentation on theme: " Website TF-Mobility Thursday, February 18 th, 2010 Brook Schofield Project Development Officer Slide 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website TF-Mobility Thursday, February 18 th, 2010 Brook Schofield Project Development Officer Slide 1

2 The current website Slide 2

3 Immediate changes ›Some updates for the GN3 “launch” in December 2009. ›News posts ›There have been some updates ›Contributions from you ›FAQ needs a refresh ›Other minor updates as a stop-gap Slide 3

4 The “audience” for eduroam ›End Users (staff, students, researchers, teachers and employees of Research and Education organisations). ›Potential Users (from the above categories). ›Implementers (Institution Level, Federation Level). Slide 4

5 Slide 5 The “effort” for eduroam ›Less effort: ›Top Level Infrastructure ›National Infrastructure ›Some effort: ›Potential Users ›Implementers ›Most effort: ›End-User Support ›Client Configuration

6 Slide 6

7 Slide 7


9 Slide 9




13 Opportunities for a redesign ›Better support for people “using” eduroam. ›…end users look for support options. ›Better support for people “wanting” eduroam. ›…promotion material to make the “business case” ›Better support for people “implementing” eduroam. ›…deployers looking for information. ›Goal is to promote the eduroam service. ›…and promote the work of the community (institutions and NRENs). Slide 13

14 Major areas ›Infrastructure + Look & Feel ›Hotspots + Mapping ›/support ›configuration, deployment ›/regions ›europe, africa, asiapacific, latinamerica, middleeast, northamerica ›/community ›Forums, Development Activities, History, i18n & l10n Slide 14

15 Questions? ›Who’s willing to participate in this effort? ›Me (TERENA) ›You? ›Are you willing to contribute time/resources? ›Resourcing is a different issue ›GN3 Project vs Your Own Pocket (or Employers Pocket) ›Have we included all the right audiences? ›Who gets editorial control? Slide 15

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