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A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem. Too Much Ù The Bible Warns The Scripture warns us against thinking too highly of ourselves Phil 2:3-4 Rom 12:3, 16 Too.

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Presentation on theme: "A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem. Too Much Ù The Bible Warns The Scripture warns us against thinking too highly of ourselves Phil 2:3-4 Rom 12:3, 16 Too."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem


3 Too Much Ù The Bible Warns The Scripture warns us against thinking too highly of ourselves Phil 2:3-4 Rom 12:3, 16 Too much self-esteem prevents us from seeing worth in others 1 Cor 12:21-22

4 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Too Much Ù The Bible Warns Too much self-esteem prevents us from “weeping with those who weep” Rom 12:15b We’ll become indifferent to the sufferings, heartaches, and troubles of others

5 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Too Much Ù The Bible Warns If we “inflate” our view of ourselves, we take ourselves too high…we set ourselves up for a destructive fall Prov 16:18 Too much self-esteem is the very essence of pride, arrogance It is too much “self-love” 1 Cor 13:5a

6 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Not Enough Ù The Bible Exhorts The Bible also teaches just how valuable each human is We are made in God’s image Gen 1:26a We are given dominion over all other created life Gen 1:26b Jesus died to save us Jn 3:16 Heb 2:14-16

7 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Not Enough Ù The Bible Exhorts Not enough self-esteem prevents us from taking our place in service 1 Cor 12:15-17 This kind of thinking, outlook can even cause one to be paranoid, adopt a “victim” status What often results is unfairly judging others It also is a failure to love 1 Cor 13:5b

8 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Not Enough Ù The Bible Exhorts Not enough self-esteem prevents us from “rejoicing with those who rejoice” Rom 12:15 We won’t be able to be happy for others, their good fortune We’ll be envious of instead of joyous for

9 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance The 2 points presented are not “mutually exclusive”…an “insolvable paradox” It takes time to mature enough to see this Having enough self-esteem in who you are and what you can do without going overboard and thinking too much of yourself

10 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance It takes time to develop physically, emotionally, and spiritually A process that can especially frustrate young people They go through the “Ugly Duckling” stage Awkwardness gives way to confidence

11 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance Young people will make many mistakes while they learn this “balance” While sin can be committed, not every blunder will be sin needing repentance Some might just be mistakes in judgment as you mature toward proper “self-confidence”

12 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance Young people will make many mistakes while they learn this “balance” When these “mistakes” happen, it doesn’t mean you’re worthless What you are is a “work in progress” In fact, we all are “works in progress”

13 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance Paul’s words to the Corinthians are appropriate to consider 2 Cor 7:13-16 Remember his previous rebuke re: having too much self-esteem 1 Cor 12:21-22 Now, he exhorts them and tells them he has confidence in them…he “boasted” of them

14 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Finding The Right Balance Time is needed to find this “balance” Faith and understanding must grow, mature An understanding that life isn’t all about “Me” But, also an understanding that I have enough worth to serve God, others This requires some self-esteem

15 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Conclusion “I’m Somebody!!” “I’m not the only somebody” Both extremes presented in this lesson are detrimental to the cause of Christ… and are personally destructive YES, but…

16 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Conclusion Too much self-esteem Ignores others and what they need that I can supply Not enough self-esteem Prevents me from using what God has given me to serve the greater good

17 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem Conclusion Me, Myself, & I are not the 3 most important people in the world However, they are important, needed They are needed for others’ benefit They are especially needed for the greatest cause known to man…the kingdom of God

18 A Biblical Look At Self-Esteem

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