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Hills Come and Die So that you can live 11 Years ago…

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2 Hills Come and Die So that you can live

3 11 Years ago…

4 Hills we die on


6 Love: I will seek your best interest Even when you don't deserve it And it costs me greatly - Jesus

7 Love: Not an emotion

8 Lawyer: Inherit eternal life? Luke 10:25-37

9 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself”

10 "Great…do it and you'll live"

11 "Who is my neighbor?"

12 "A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan go to Jericho…"

13 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?

14 The one who showed him mercy

15 You go, and do likewise

16 Jesus, "This is Love: Serve the needs of Those who hate you When it is dangerous Inconvenient and expensive"

17 Reflect Christ's love, right? Conditional or unconditional?

18 Reflect Christ's love, right? Conditional or unconditional? What kind of love Do you want shown to you?

19 Jesus says to Give what you want Love…your neighbor as yourself

20 What the conditions On your willingness to love? Not to feel emotion But to serve needs?

21 "Serve the needs of Those who hate you When it is dangerous Inconvenient and expensive" - Jesus

22 Hill worth dying on


24 Unity: Christ's people coming together Around Christ's Purposes While respecting each others' Differences

25 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace - Eph. 4:3

26 Churches= no competition People= respect convictions No clone-making No gossiping Bar for disfellowship= high

27 Enemy separates God unites Truth attempts restoration Before considering separation

28 Most harmful to the church In all of history?

29 Most helpful to the church In all of history… Encourage toward Jesus Unity mindset Unify around Jesus

30 You want this… Ever been in a church Where the tension is so thick You don't even need the knife?

31 It's hard to judge you unworthy While washing your feet

32 Hill worth dying on


34 Faith: Taking God at his Word And trusting him for the results

35 Without faith, it is impossible to please God - Hebrews 11

36 Largest checkbook speaks most? What's in the bank? What God says…

37 If we can do it in our own strength, it's not a miracle… It's a management issue

38 God is glorified When he uses what isn't To do what can't So that those who won't Are caused to say He is

39 Hill worth dying on


41 Commitment: A decision of the will Backed by the integrity To carry it out over time Sign of maturity

42 Committed to: God Scriptures One another Not-yets

43 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go”

44 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head”

45 To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father”

46 And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God”

47 Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home”

48 Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” - Luke 9:57-62

49 You want people To follow through On their commitments And not leave you hanging

50 Maturity and discipleship

51 Hill worth dying on


53 Freedom: The ability to be exactly who God made you to be To follow your convictions Where the bible doesn't Specifically speak

54 …some false believers… infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves

55 We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you - Gal. 2:4-5

56 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery - Gal. 5:1

57 When it makes us Uncomfortable We baptize our discomfort in Scriptural support

58 But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil - Hebrews 5:14

59 You want freedom And… You must give freedom

60 Party refreshments

61 Hill we die on


63 Change: The willingness to follow God Even when it means leaving The comfort of what I’m used to

64 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come - 2 Cor. 5:17

65 Holy Spirit= Spirit of change New song New nature New heart New kingdom and citizenship

66 Fruit of the Spirit = Growth

67 Living things grow and change Dead things don't The moment we enshrine our comfort, we die

68 You are here Because Layman changed And we'll continue (Small Groups, anyone?)

69 You are here Because Layman changed Hill we die on

70 Questions, Comments Disagreements

71 Pray

72 Halloween

73 3 Services Plus: Nursery

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