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Carlson Pond: Sedimentation Analysis Jessie Balbiani, Shell Howard, Bret Lytle, Chris Pike Charlie Haley-Withers.

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Presentation on theme: "Carlson Pond: Sedimentation Analysis Jessie Balbiani, Shell Howard, Bret Lytle, Chris Pike Charlie Haley-Withers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carlson Pond: Sedimentation Analysis Jessie Balbiani, Shell Howard, Bret Lytle, Chris Pike Charlie Haley-Withers

2 Purpose Provide an overall assessment of the pond Health Behavior Potential

3 Goal 1.Estimate how much sediment has accumulated since the pond’s formation about 20 years ago 2.Determine the water content and organic content of accumulated sediments 3.Evaluate the ponds potential for fish stocking

4 Influencing Factors




8 Hypothesis Expected high rates of accumulation – High erosion from fields – Increased organic accumulation from tree Believe rapid rate of shallowing would not make pond a viable location to stock fish

9 Sampling Locations

10 In The Field Water level was much lower than expected Sediment depths did not follow anticipated linear pattern Modified sampling sites

11 Field Methods: Taking Core Samples o Mechanics of KB Core Device o Acts as a Straw o Remote Closing o Intact Cores

12 Field Methods: Taking Core Samples Core Sample Extraction

13 Field Methods: Taking Core Samples o Samples as Evidence o Layers are Distinct o Measured full depth o Measured organic layer o Separation of Organic and Clay. _

14 benchtop_muffle_furnace.html Methods Lab analysis of Sediment Cores Equipment used Drying oven Muffle Furnace Scale in micrograms detail/P00323756/Vacuum_Oven.html#

15 Methods Lab Analysis of Sediment Cores Core preparation Water siphoned off top of core Sediment pushed up in core from bottom until 1cm was exposed First 10cm of each core removed 1cm at a time and placed in labeled sample cups. Samples weighed wet, dry, post furnace.

16 Methods Lab Analysis of Sediment Cores Reducing samples 1cm layers weighed individually wet Placed in drying oven at 60C for 72hr Weighed individually after drying Placed in Muffle Furnace at 600C for 3hr Cooled in desiccant box before final individual weighing

17 Methods Field Analysis of Sediment Cores


19 Highest sediment by dam, ~ 7cm total – Clay layer total estimated sediment accumulation 6.42 m 3 (bath. Group) Not much sediment build up RESULTS




23 Organic content Multiple sources of organic content – Willow tree, grasses, crops in farmfield Organisms (zooplankton etc.) depend on organic content High organic content could potentially help support a small fishery.


25 Sediment Accumulation 7 cm, Not significant amount of sediment accumulation – Shallowing not a concern Wind blown deposition – Trees Runoff not issue – Buffer zones

26 Management Recommendations Riparian Buffer Systems Separate water body from agricultural activity Remove nutrients, sediments, and pollutants from surface runoff Provide wildlife habitat Includes: Forest Riparian Buffer Grass Riparian Buffer Forest Buffers Studies show sediment can be reduced up to 86% within 6.6 meters of the buffer Fast growth (Cottonwood, Oak) Slow growth (Pine) Grass Buffers Studies show 99% of total suspended solids from runoff events can be removed in 9 meters of grass A majority of pollutants have found to be reduced in 10-15 meters of buffers Cool and Warm Season Grasses



29 Feasible Fish Introduction Recommended Species Largemouth Bass and Yellow Perch/Bluegill Main Goal Production of large perch/bluegill and quality largemouth bass for recreational fishing After Introduction Limit harvest of the bass Sufficient bass density is needed to control recruitment of bluegill or perch Successful reproduction and recruitment of bass is vital, by having good water quality and habitat Perch and Bluegill eat algae, plankton, insects, fish eggs, crayfish, snails, leeches, and worms Largemouth bass eat perch/bluegill, insects, and worms

30 References Boyd, Claude. Bottom Soils, Sediment, and Pond. New York: Chapman &Hall, 1995. Print Guy, Christopher S., et al. 1991. Evaluation of Largemouth Bass- Yellow Perch Communities in Small South Dakota Impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 11:43-49 Mankin, Kyle R., et al. 2007. Grass Shrub Riparian Buffer Removal of Sediment, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen from Simulated Runoff. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43:1108-1114 Schoonover, Jon E., et al. 2006. Agricultural Sediment Reduction by Giant Cane and Forest Riparian Buffers. Department of Forestry. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 169:303-315.

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