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A European MWF Product Awareness & Stewardship Group UEIL working group January 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "A European MWF Product Awareness & Stewardship Group UEIL working group January 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 A European MWF Product Awareness & Stewardship Group UEIL working group January 2010

2 Working Group Profile Organisation Funding Communication Timescale Action

3 Working Group Confirm committed members of the WG Define roles eg – communication - legal - funding Include symposium organisation (year 2?) Reporting expectations

4 Profile European MWF Product Awareness and Self Stewardship (PASS or E – Pass?) Group ( Nomenclature could be significant) Specific Product Group - Metalworking Fluids - Industrial Fluids - All Lubricants

5 Profile Aims (as described previously) Code of Ethics European Centre of Excellence (testing options) Positive promotion of MWF’s to end user Information conduit for suppliers, manufacturers, end users and regulators Liaison with DG Environment etc (eg lobbying)

6 Profile National -National Subjects (eg TRGS, Formaldehyde) -Contact with National Organisations (HSE) -Local company members -Language -Issues at a local level ie chlorine European -European / Global subjects ie REACh, GHS -Influence / lobbying at Euro Parliament -Interaction with other international associations eg ILMA / STLE -Funded research programmes to offer ‘industry business protection’ -Concentrate on key issues

7 Organisation Member Companies National Associations European Pass Group Member Companies European Pass Group National Associations National EHS Organisations

8 Organisation Example of Approach using National Association model Chairman, Secretariat 2 Representatives from each association 2 meetings per year plus annual meeting Increased use of net meetings / working groups Communication Manager

9 Funding Dependent upon organisation structure - Individual Companies - National Associations - 600 Euros p.a. - 20 Companies produces 12,000 e.p.a. - 4 National associations costs 3,000 e.p.a Costs 50% towards active secretariat 50% contingency

10 Communication / Progression 2010 -UEIL Working Group finalised -Preview at VSI, Federchimica, UKLA PSG meeting -Private questionnaire based upon meeting content -Selective direct discussion with potential participants, individual companies and national associations. -Representation to / backing from significant end users? -Funding from UEIL for start up? -First meeting at UEIL Annual Conference

11 Timescale 201020112012 PASS Group Working Group Initiates Creation Programme PASS Group Concept Approval + Initiation PASS Group First Meeting of Committee in Brussels First Annual Meeting Symposium Programme Confirmation + Initiation Final Planning + Communication 2011 Q4

12 Opportunity UKLA MWF PS Group Very active and effective In existence for nearly ten years Committed membership and secretariat Strong funding position Issues - Chairman - Membership location - Involvement with UKLA

13 Action Agree concepts European Stewardship Group MWF Symposium 2011 Organisation Working group – First Meeting

14 Action Approval by UEIL Board Consider: Funding for initiation Communication Interaction with National Associations Time scale

15 Thank you for your attention Questions to:

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