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CHAPTER 6. REVIEW OF INDUSTRIALIZATION Caused by what? Science Resources Land Labor Capital.

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2 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIALIZATION Caused by what? Science Resources Land Labor Capital


4 REMEMBER Processes were made cheaper, safer, less time consuming Consumers had more purchasing power Quality of life made better Life expectancy was longer

5 RAILROADS What were some effects of the Railroads

6 CARNEGIE Stock Charities Integration Vertical Horizontal

7 SOCIAL DARWINISM What is Darwin's theory of evolution How does this translate to business Used to justify no government regulation of businesses

8 FEWER CONTROL MORE Merger – one corporation bough out the stock of another Monopoly – bought out all its competitors and controlled industry’s production, wages, and prices. Holding company – a company that only buys stock in other companies US Steel bought Carnegie Steel to become the largest manufacturer Trust – turned stock over to a group of trustees, the companies were entitled to dividends on profits earned by the trust. Not legal, but Rockefeller did it

9 ROBBER BARONS Had an extreme amount of wealth, but did give away a lot of that wealth for charity Sherman Antitrust Act – 1890 illegal to from a trust that interfered with free trade between states or with other countries Hard to prosecute Boom in the north, not the south

10 LABOR UNIONS 6/7 day work weeks, not vacation, no compensation for injuries, 12 hours or more, no unemployment. 675 died a week from work accidents AFL Samuel Grompers, several skilled industries banned together. Use Collective bargaining and strikes to win better pay or fewer hours Eugene v Debs, organized skilled and unskilled Railroad workers, in the ARU. IWW – allowed African Americans, only won one major strike

11 STRIKES Great strike of 1877 – B & O, President Hayes intervened and troops put it down. Hay Market Affair – clash between police and laborers, some died because of a bomb, lost support for the labor movement Homestead Strike – lost because scabs were hired Pullman company strike – Pres. Cleveland sent in troops, Pullman fired all the workers and blacklisted them

12 OTHER Mother Jones – led 30 mil kids to Pres Roosevelt, passed child labor laws after that. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire – sympathy for the laborers after all the doors were locked and 146 women died, but factory owners weren’t charged with anything Sherman Antitrust act used against workers

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